APP Memory Question Preview (ID: 62778)

Ch. 8 Questions Regarding Memory. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

_________ concentrates on the meaning of information you want to remember.
a) semantic processing
b) dual memory
c) maintenance rehearsal
d) visual processing

Remembering the first and last items of a list better than items in the middle is due to
a) the tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon
b) the serial position effect
c) redintegration
d) the pseudo-memory effect

Working memory is associated with which of the following?
a) sensory memory
b) short-term memory
c) long-term memory
d) integrated memory

Information in long-term memory can be retained up to
a) 30 seconds
b) 1 hour
c) many years
d) 2 seconds

_________ concentrates on the meaning of information you want to remember.
a) as learning is still going on
b) very rapidly at first then levels off to a slow decline
c) not until a few hours after the learning trial is over
d) slowly at first but is essentially complete within one hour

A memory that a person is aware of having, or a memory consciously retrieved, is called
a) explicit memory
b) implicit memory
c) priming
d) eidetic memory

Context ­dependent theories of memory suggest that you do best on your chemistry test if you tested
a) in the room where you studied
b) in a chemistry laboratory
c) with a large group of chemistry majors
d) with students who share your interests

The part of the brain that functions as a switching station between the STM and LTM is the
a) hippocampus
b) cerebral cortex
c) occipital lobe
d) frontal lobe

15 years after graduating, I can ID my friends' photos from a larger group of photos. I am using
a) recall
b) recognition
c) eidectic imager
d) reminiscence

Memories outside of conscious awareness are called
a) proactive memories
b) reactive memories
c) explicit memories
d) implicit memories

When new learning disrupts the ability to recall stored information, __________ has happened
a) proactive interefereence
b) disinhibition
c) retrograde amnesia
d) retroactive interference

The tendency for prior learning to inhibit recall of later learning is called
a) encoding failure
b) repression
c) retroactive interference
d) proactive interference

The definition of memory is that it is an active system that encodes, stores, and _______
a) decays information
b) discards old infomration
c) retrieves information
d) processes infomration

_________ refers to the fading of memory traces from short-­term memory.
a) encoding failure
b) decay
c) disuse
d) decoding failure

_________ determines what information moves from sensory memory to short-­term memory.
a) encoding failure
b) selective attention
c) repression
d) eidectic encodeing

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