Review GA In WWI And Great Depression Question Preview (ID: 62748)

Brief Review Of GA In WWI And Great Depression. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

During WWI, GA's contributions to the war effort did NOT include
a) Producing B-29 bomber planes
b) Agricultural products to feed and clothe soldiers
c) military bases for training soldiers
d) military bases for the housing of POWs

What significant contribution did Georgia make during WWI?
a) A. Provided training grounds for soldiers
b) B. Georgia served as the central command for all allied forces
c) C. The state's factories produced all the ammunition of WWI
d) D. Georgia made no contributions to WWI

What key agriculture contribution did the state of Georgia make during WWI?
a) A. Provided the highest number of soldiers
b) B. Provided 5 military bases for training soldiers
c) C. Provided foods such as corn and cotton for making textiles.
d) Provided tanks, bomber planes, and weapons

Boll Weevil is...
a) Insects whose larvae feed on cotton crops; decimated cotton production in the southeastern United States
b) A small group of flying mammals whose appearence in the west, alongside the drought, was responsible for the dust bowl
c) airplanes, machine guns, poison gas
d) A nickname for small number of New Deal Program that existed on a bill to be passed because it was a 'rider' on a larger bill

Years of Drought and the boll weevil led to
a) more jobs in all sectors
b) crop failure in GA, especially cotton, and collapse of the economy
c) increase in house sales
d) the re-election of Eugene Talmadge

A severe drought (an extended period of time with not enough rain) has dried up a river and caused the land to crack. The drought will most likely affect _____.
a) both plants and animals.
b) plants, but no animals.
c) animals, but not plants.
d) neither plants nor animals.

Georgia experienced its worst recorded drought during 1930 and 1931. What conclusion can you come to as to how the drought affected Georgia?
a) It brought many northern investors to Georgia so that they could buy up large tracks of mostly empty farmland.
b) It made rural farmers totally change the cash crops they grew to ones that required much smaller amounts of water.
c) It totally changed Georgia's economy from one that depended on cash crops to one that depended on manufacturing.
d) It made the lives of rural farmers even more difficult, adding to the problems of the Great Depression and the boll weevil.

The Great Depression was an economic slowdown in the 1920s and 1930s. Which of the following was one cause of the Great Depression in the United States?
a) the high price of oil
b) the end of the gold rush
c) the ending of World War II
d) the crash of the stock exchange

What got Georgia into a depression before the Great Depression?
a) boll weevil and drought
b) stock market crash
c) banks closing
d) overproduction

One of the causes of the Great Depression was
a) Easy credit
b) Federal Prohibition
c) Sound financial investments
d) Hoover won the election

Why did President Roosevelt travel to Georgia often?
a) The warm springs of Georgia seemed to help with his polio.
b) He had family that lived in Georgia.
c) He was born and raised in Georgia.
d) Roosevelt did not visit Georgia

Agricultural Adjustment Act was what?
a) Put young men to work planting trees, building roads and dams, and working in state parks
b) Took power away from privately owned electric companies, provided loans to provide more electrivity, build power plants
c) Helped raise the price of cotton in GA by paying farmers to grow less of it
d) provided retirement fund for elderly, and funds for disabled and unemployed

Rural farmers MOST LIKELY benefit from President Roosevelt's establishing the Rural Electrification Administration because they
a) gained access to electricity through newly erected power lines.
b) received price reductions on the electricity they already purchased.
c) made profits by selling electricity to people living in urban areas.
d) were able to produce alcohol illegally and sell it for a substantial profit.

Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) was what?
a) Helped raise the price of cotton in GA by paying farmers to grow less of it
b) Took power away from privately owned electric companies, provided loans to provide more electrivity, build power plants
c) provided retirement fund for elderly, and funds for disabled and unemployed
d) Put young men to work planting trees, building roads and dams, and working in state parks

Which of the following BEST describes the impact of the Social Security Administration?
a) It was a program created to help young workers get job training.
b) It was a program that provided unemployment benefits to unemployed workers.
c) It was a program that provided benefits to people 65 years and older.
d) was a program that helped poor families during the depression.

Who is Eugene Talmadge?
a) A Georgia Governor who hated New Deal Policies
b) A Spanish explorer who was in search of gold
c) A psycho who attacked FDR in broad daylight
d) A president who met with Natives to create National Parks

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