Med Term Final Words Part 2 Question Preview (ID: 62660)

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excessive fluid accumulation in body tissues that can be symptomatic of nephrotic syndrome other kidney diseases
a) anuria
b) edema
c) chronic kidney disease
d) nephritis

also known as a welt, a small bump that itches
a) wheal
b) pustule
c) exudate
d) verrucae

a disease acquired in a hospital or clinical setting
a) infectious diease
b) idiopathic disorder
c) anomaly
d) nosocomial infection

a medical appliance, such as a shoe insert or brace-which is specifically designed to control, correct or compensate an impaired limb
a) fusion
b) prosthesis
c) orthotic
d) fixation

weakness or wearing away of body tissues and structures
a) dystonia
b) fasciitis
c) myolysis
d) atrophy

the study of the human factors that affect the design and operation of tools and the work environment
a) ergonomics
b) informatics
d) tenotomy

caused by a pathogen that does not normally produce an illness in healthy humans
a) idiopathic disorder
b) opportunistic infection
c) nosocomial infection
d) acquired immunodeficiency syndrome

a medication that is administered to prevent or relieve nausea and vomiting
a) antacid
b) antiemetic
c) calcium channel blocker
d) thrombolytic

a corticosteroid that has anti-inflammatory action
a) cortisol
b) epinephrine
c) norepinephrine
d) heparin

a fungal infection of the nail
a) hyperopia
b) glycosuria
c) dyspepsia
d) onychomycosis

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