Adjectives Question Preview (ID: 62653)

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Adjectives are words that describe...
a) verbs or adverbs
b) nouns or pronouns

What are the adjectives in this sentence: Driving is faster than walking.
a) is
b) faster
c) walking
d) driving

What are the adjectives in the sentence? We rode our bikes down the long, curvy road.
a) bikes, we
b) rode, long
c) long, curvy

Which of the following adjectives describes something that is very small?
a) Big
b) Tiny
c) Huge
d) Massive

Identify the two adjectives in this sentence: My mother told me to eat the the orange carrots before I drank my chocolate milkshake.
a) orange, carrots
b) before, drank
c) orange, chocolate
d) carrots, milkshake

What are the adjectives in this sentence: Driving is faster than walking.
a) is
b) faster
c) walking
d) driving

The big zoo in Chicago has a cool event. What are the adjectives?
a) zoo
b) big
c) big and cool
d) Chicago

Which of the following words are adjectives:
a) Faster,beautiful and tallest .
b) Run,cook and car.
c) House,have and make.
d) Beautiful,play and seen

All of the information below are adjectives EXCEPT
a) tasty
b) dog
c) comfortable
d) smooth

Which words are adjectives?
a) smile, laugh, giggle
b) I, her, me
c) huge, funny, purple
d) win, the, lottery

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