Construction Fall Final Question Preview (ID: 62645)

Final. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which of the following, along with the Z87 designation, should be stamped on the lens or frame of safety glasses in order to be considered industrial quality?
a) OSHA Approved
b) Manufacturer’s trademark
c) Date of manufacture
d) Lens shade number

Maddie is sanding a piece of wood and sawdust entered her eye from not wearing safety glasses. What should be the first thing Maddie does?
a) Use the eye wash station
b) Go to the school nurse
c) Call her family
d) Report the incident to her instructor

Mark is working in the wood shop. Which of the following scenarios would be a safety hazard?
a) Wearing a welding hood when welding
b) Wearing a hard hat during building construction
c) Wearing gloves when using a drill press
d) Wearing earmuffs when using a miter saw

Elsa is using a miter saw to cut 2 x 4 lumber. What should she use to help hold the wood in place?
a) Her hand
b) Clamps
c) Have another person help hold the material
d) Vice

How far should fingers be kept away from the blade of a band saw?
a) One inch
b) Four inches
c) Two inches
d) Three inches

The guard on a band saw should be set no more than __________ inch above the material.
a) 1/16
b) 1
c) 1/8
d) 1/4

Milly is using a sliding compound miter. Where should she start the cut on the material?
a) Directly over the material
b) At the outermost point traveling forward away from the fence
c) At the foremost point traveling backwards toward the fence
d) Dependent upon the size of material being cut

Which of the following is the most common type of fire extinguisher?
a) Class C
b) Class B and D
c) Class A-B-C
d) Class A

The best firefighting technique is which of the following?
a) Fire blankets
b) Water
c) Fire extinguishers
d) Fire prevention

Hearing loss usually occurs suddenly and without warning.
a) True
b) False

There is no need to wear safety glasses and a face shield at the same time.
a) True
b) False

Long hair should always be pulled back and pinned out of the way.
a) True
b) False

Most nail guns are equipped with a safety device, commonly called a contact safety.
a) True
b) False

When working with pneumatic tools, one should always wear appropriate eye protection.
a) True
b) False

A nail can follow the grain of the wood, causing it to curve and exit where it is not intended.
a) True
b) False

A band or scroll saw is used for cutting smaller pieces of materials and can cut curves.
a) True
b) False

Tools with cords having exposed wiring should only be used after the cord has been repaired using electrical tape.
a) True
b) False

Common sense is one of the most valuable tools when working in a shop.
a) True
b) False

Safety glasses may be taken off while operating power tools, in order to quickly inspect materials.
a) True
b) False

When using power tools, one should be aware of the actions of others in the work area.
a) True
b) False

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