Scientific Method Review Question Preview (ID: 62639)

This Review Consists Of Information From Unit 1. Scientific Method. Use This As A Review In Combination With The Notes That You Have Acquired Thus Far To Help You Answer The Questions. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What is the main purpose of clinical trials in medical research?
a) To market new medications
b) To increase stock value for pharmaceutical companies
c) To test the safety and effectiveness of new treatments
d) To make a profit for the hospital or clinic

What is the main purpose of a lab report?
a) To describe experiments and analyze data so that it can be replicated by others
b) To criticize past research that ha been previously conducted
c) To create a fictional story
d) Lab reports have no purpose

Which statement best describes a hypothesis?
a) A hypothesis is the process of making careful observations.
b) The conclusion drawn from the results of an experiment is part of a hypothesis.
c) A hypothesis serves as a basis for determining what data to collect when designing an experiment.
d) The facts collected from an experiment are written in the form of a hypothesis.

Which definition best describes the purpose of the scientific method
a) A plan to collect, organize, and explain information through observations and inferences
b) A plan used to draw conclusions on experiments conducted
c) A plan that is used to compare experimental group results to control group results
d) A plan to answer questions based off of conclusions that were drawn prior to an experiment

What is a control variable ?
a) What changes because of what the scientist did
b) An experiment that tests only one factor at a time
c) A statement that sums up what you learn from an experiment
d) All of the things that are kept the same in an experiment

John wants to know the effect light has on the height of a pea plant. He places several pea plants by his windowsill and several more in a dark room. What would be the control group for this experiment?
a) The control group is the group that receive sunlight
b) The control group is the group with plant growth
c) The control group is the group that does not receive sunlight
d) The control group only receives water

John wants to know the effect light has on the height of a pea plant. He places several pea plants by his windowsill and several more in a dark room. Which answer choice best describes how he would setup the the experimental group?
a) The experimental group should receive sunlight
b) The experimental group should receive water and sunlight
c) The experimental group does not receive anything because it is the constant
d) The experimental group should never receive sunlight only water

Which axis does the dependent variable go on?
a) x- axis
b) y-axis
c) The placement of the independent variable is not relevant
d) the dependent variable does not need to be plotted

What is a dependent variable?
a) The responding variable; the one that changes in response to the independent variable (the results)
b) interpretation of observations / conclusions
c) answers a question about an observation that was made
d) The thing that gets manipulated; the one that the experiment alters and will cause a change in another variable

What is the independent variable?
a) The responding variable; the one that changes in response to the dependent variable (the results)
b) The thing that gets manipulated; the one that the experiment alters and will cause a change in another variable
c) The thing that is being observed by scientists throughout the duration of the experiment
d) All choices are correct

When designing a controlled experiment what does the control group receive?
a) 1. the control group receives the independent variable
b) 2. the control group receives something different from the independent variable; a placebo
c) 3. The control group receives the variable that is getting measured
d) Both choice 1 and 3 are correct

What is the first step in the scientific method?
a) Forming a hypothesis
b) Conducting an experiment
c) Analyzing data
d) Making an observation

Diagrams, tables, and graphs are used by scientists mainly to
a) design a research plan for an experiment
b) test a hypothesis
c) organize data
d) predict the independent variable

When designing a controlled experiment the hypothesis gets tested by
a) revising your hypothesis
b) collecting and analyzing your data so that you're able to make conclusions
c) only manipulating one variable
d) having more than one variable manipulated

When heating a solution in a test tube, a student should

a) cork the test tube
b) hold the test tube with two fingers
c) point the test tube in any direction
d) wear goggles to prevent the chemicals from going into your eyes

What doe the experimental group in an experiment receive
a) a placebo
b) nothing
c) normal conditions
d) the independent variable

What is the purpose of testing two groups in an experiment
a) To compare the two groups
b) to test the affects of the experimental group
c) So that you can revise your hypothesis if your results are contradictory
d) scientific observations

To make an experiment more valid scientists should
a) Repeat the experiment
b) Use a smaller sample size
c) Repeat the experiment using a larger sample size
d) Change more than one variable in the experiment

When graphing data the independent variable will always be placed on which axis?
a) x-axis
b) y- axis
c) The placement of the independent variable is not relevant
d) The dependent variable does not need to be plotted

What is a placebo
a) a substance containing no medicine, such as a sugar pill
b) something that is exposed to “normal” conditions for comparison
c) the variable manipulated by the experimenter
d) None of the options are correct

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