Cells And Organisms Question Preview (ID: 62633)

Foundation Of Cells And Anatomy. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Grandma Kikki has been on dialysis to support the function of her kidneys. If her kidneys are not working properly what is her body having a hard time doing?
a) keeping proper signals going to and away from the brain
b) removing waste from the blood and returning clean blood back to the body
c) delivering nutrients and oxygen to all cells
d) producing movement

Nicky knows that skeletal system has many functions, except:
a) body framework
b) production of red blood cells
c) carrying nutrients and oxygen to all the cells
d) protection of vital organs

Carlos broke his leg. What does he need to take to help faster recovery process?
a) Calcium. Bones will grow faster with higher calcium intake.
b) Protein. Bones will grow better with higher protein intake.
c) Sugar. Anything grows better with sugar.
d) Good fats. It will work like a good oil for a car so the bones will grow better.

You are going for a morning run. What body systems are going to be involved in this process?
a) only skeletal and muscular since you need those for movement.
b) only nervious and muscular since your brain controls other body systems and you need strong muscles to handle a long run
c) only circulatory and respiratory because you need blood to carry nutrients and oxygen
d) all body systems are going to be involved except digestive and reproductive systems

Brandon is observing plant cells under his microscope. What will he find in each cell?
a) Lysosome, nucleus, large vacuole
b) cell membrane, small vacuole, metochondria
c) cell wall, chloroplast, large vacuole
d) cell wall, cell membrane, lysosome

Jacob knows that metochondria is needed so the cell can:
a) reproduce
b) get rid of waste
c) store nutrients
d) have energy

Mike says that without nucleus cell cannot get rid of waste. Alyssa says that without nucleus cell won't have DNA and won't be able to reproduce. Who is right?
a) Mike is correct. Nucleus is responsible for carrying waste out of the cell.
b) Mike is correct. Nucleus is producing and getting rid of waste.
c) Alyssa is correct. Nucleus has one function: divide or reproduce.
d) Alyssa is correct. Nucleus has two functions: 1. Control all functions of the cell. 2. Rerproduction.

Hedgehog just got scared by a pack of wolves. He rolls into a ball and sticks his spikes out. Why?
a) Normal fight or flight response of the hedgehog to an external stimulus.
b) Normal fight or flight response of the hedgehog to an internal stimulus.
c) Normal fight or flight response of any animal to an external stimulus.
d) Normal fight or flight response of any animal to an internal stimulus.

Bella had her breakfast at Taco Bell. She started vomitting 2 hours later. Why?
a) Because Taco Bell would do it to you.
b) Because it is external response to an internal stimulus.
c) Because it is an internal response to an internal stimulus.
d) Because it is an internal response to an external stimulus.

Some random man starts running after you on a street with his fist forward. What is the process that your body/mind goes in response to this unusual situation?
a) duck duck goose
b) hide and seek
c) freeze or melt
d) fight or flight

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