SS8H5 Civil War In Georgia Question Preview (ID: 62548)

Civil War Unit Review. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

This man lead the infamous March through Ga destroying infrastructure and crushing the people's spirits.
a) William T. Sherman
b) Jefferson Davis
c) Alexander Stephens
d) Abraham Lincoln

Nullification is when....
a) a state decides a federal law is unfair and does not follow it
b) a fancy word for a tariff
c) The name of prison camp
d) The word that means to leave the Union

This battle fought in Ga was a win for the Confederates, but was the bloodiest battle fought in Ga.
a) Battle of Chickamauga
b) Battle of Kettle Creek
c) Siege of Atlanta
d) Battle of Andersonville

The Compromise of 1850 allowed this state to enter the Union as a free state
a) California
b) Georgia
c) Missouri
d) Kansas

This was the name of the plan to block southern ports by the Union Navy.
a) Anaconda Plan
b) Marshall Plan
c) Boa Constrictor Plan
d) Sherman Plan

This section of the country was much better prepared for the war.
a) North
b) South

After the Atlanta Campaign what happened to the city of Atlanta
a) it was burned to the ground
b) it became the 6th capital of Ga
c) Sherman used as his headquarters for the remainder of the war
d) the city repelled the Union soldiers and survived the war

The Fugitive Slave Act was part of which compromise?
a) Missouri Compromise
b) Compromise of 1850
c) Georgia Platform
d) It was not part of a compromise.

What is the definition of states' rights?
a) the state makes decisions over businesses
b) the state makes the decision over individuals
c) states should be able to make their own decisions about laws
d) the states' laws are not valid.

What document said that all slaves in the rebellious states would be freed on January 1, 1863?
a) Gettysburg Address
b) Missouri Compromise
c) Emancipation Proclamation
d) Compromise of 1850

Why was the Union victory in the Battle of Atlanta important?
a) It disrupted the South's ability to resupply its troops.
b) It led to the death of Stonewall Jackson.
c) It convinced the Confederacy to overthrow the government of Jefferson Davis.
d) ####

What did Lincoln create that changed the focus of the Civil War and would end slavery if the North won?
a) The Lincoln Speech
b) The Emancipation Proclamation
c) The Freedom Speech
d) The Rebel Yell

Which accurately describes the southerns states reaction to the election of Abraham Lincolns in 1860?
a) They demanded a recout of votes
b) They began to secede from the Union
c) They immediately attacked Fort Sumter
d) They voted to protest Lincoln's election

The purpose of the Fugitive Slave Act was to
a) require that slaves had citizenship papers in order to obtain jobs
b) prevents blacks from testifying against whites in court trials
c) prevent slaves from having group gatherings or meetings
d) require slaves that had run away to go back to thier owners

What was the purpose of the Union Blockade?
a) cut off southern trade
b) keep slaves from escaping
c) frighten the Confederate civilians
d) keep the Confederate navy in port

Why was the battle plan for the North called the Anaconda Plan?
a) They wanted to cut off trade to the South and blockade their ports
b) They planned to release large snakes into the cotton fields of the South
c) They wanted to use their soldiers to spread out and win battles in an S form
d) They intended to take out the Southern Forts by slithering under ground and capturing he forts from inside

Soon after the Election of 1860...
a) the South seceded from the U.S.
b) popular sovereignty was used in Kansas and Nebraska
c) James K. Polk became president
d) the Nullification Crisis began

The Dred Scott decision did all of the following except
a) please Southerners
b) rule that slaves did not have rights
c) declare the Missouri Compromise unconstitutional
d) guarantee that slavery would not be allowed in future states

What was Georgia's platform?
a) GA would agree to the Compromise of 1850 as long as the Fugitive slave Act was enforced.
b) Georgia wanted a strong military.
c) Georgia needed to build a navy.
d) Georgia wanted to nullify the tariff.

During the Civil War Andersonville was
a) the first major battle
b) a major railroad terminal
c) a prison for Union soldiers
d) the capital of the Confederacy

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