Educ 210 Final Review Game - Saoirse Loose Question Preview (ID: 62528)

This Is A Review Of Information We Have Learned Since Our Midterms. It Will Be A Mixture Of True Or False And Multiple Choice. Have Fun And Good Luck With Your Finals! - Saoirse :). TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which tool is commonly used by visually impaired people for mobility and orientation in the community?
a) Cane
b) White walking stick
c) Crutches
d) Wheelchair

PECS, PRT, and TEACCH are programming options for students with ____
a) Deaf/Blindness (D/B)
b) Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS)
c) Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
d) Other Health Impairments (OHI)

There is no single autism gene, but a combination of many genes.
a) True
b) False

Theory of mind is defined as _________
a) The connections a person's mind makes between people and events in their life.
b) A person's ability to take the perspective of other people.
c) A person's ability to visualize information they read or hear.

Language disorders relate to the comprehension and expression of language.
a) False
b) True

True or False, Education 210 was an awesome class and you learned a lot.
a) True (This is the only correct answer)
b) False (Pick the other one)

Defining giftedness is simple.
a) False
b) True

What percentage of ALL students are 2e (Twice Exceptional)?
a) 1-2%
b) 3-5%
c) 6-8%
d) 6-7%

What is Enrichment in gifted education?
a) Having the G/T students work on the same standard as the rest of the class, but given additional activities.
b) Having G/T students move through the educational program at a more rapid rate than their same age peers.
c) Information that is designed and taught to best reach the student at any level.

Estimated number of students that have a disability and are G/T.
a) 1,000
b) 630,000
c) 1,300,600
d) 360,000

_____ is a visual impairment that interferes with the ability to perform daily activities and in which the primary channel of learning is through the use of prescription and nonprescription devices.
a) Low Vision
b) Legally Blind

The following are classifications of which IDEA category: TBI, Neuromotor Impairment, Orthopedic Impairment, Degenerative Diseases.
a) Physical Disabilities
b) OHIs

What does the abbreviation FAS stand for?
a) Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
b) Fast Acting Sickness

Which is a possible side effect of the VNS device?
a) Inability to open eyes for a few moments
b) Temporary loss of voice
c) Temporary paralysis of the hands.

D/B Educational Placement
a) They are typically served in the gen ed classroom.
b) They are rarely served in the gen ed classroom.

Early implementation of Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC), can
a) lead to increased vocabulary skills
b) help children develop speech skills
c) help children develop language skills
d) all of the above

Are the following traits of a TBI student Academic related or Psycho-Social related? Loss of manners, difficulty remembering, fearful, loss of social language, good days/bad days.
a) Academic
b) Psycho-Social
c) Both

Deaf-Blindness is the complete loss of both senses.
a) True
b) False

A student with mild hearing loss can miss up to ___ of what is said in class.
a) 10%
b) 20%
c) 50%
d) 45%

What does the acronym S.E.A.T stand for? (Hint 4 Function of Behavior)
a) Students Educational Advancement Timeline
b) Selected Environment for Acceptable Treatment
c) Secured Education Act Transformed
d) Sensory, Escape, Attention, Tangible

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