Wh - Ch 14, Sec 2 South American Civilizations Question Preview (ID: 62520)

Early South American Civilizations. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The Nazca culture is known for
a) its large temples built in the foothills of the Andes.
b) preserving some elements of the Chavin culture.
c) it's great war with and eventual destruction of the Moche.
d) creating its own unique style of agriculture.

Moche was the capital of a powerful state that
a) was largely peaceful and known for its written histories.
b) controlled trade on the Atlantic coast for over 1,000 years.
c) ruled near the Pacific coast not far from Ecuador.
d) was crushed by the rise of the Inca empire.

The Chimor were destroyed in the 1400s when
a) Pachacuti conquered the entire coastal region, bringing it under Inca control.
b) the Moche rose up against the warlike Chimor kings and reestablished regional dominance.
c) a volcanic eruption nearly erased the civilization, leaving behind only shards of pottery.
d) the Maya invaded the region and conquered all of the Pacific coast's smaller kingdoms.

Which of the following best describes the Inca Empire?
a) small
b) non centralized
c) democratic
d) warlike

After a region had been conquered by the Inca,
a) the local ruler was given a position of power within the empire.
b) only local leaders loyal to the Inca ruler were allowed to keep their posts.
c) the people were given mountain land to create terraced farms.
d) the people were removed and used for slave labor or sacrifice.

To guarantee loyalty, the governors of each province
a) signed a declaration stating their loyalty.
b) donated their land to the province's residents.
c) were required to join the Inca army.
d) were often related to the emperor.

For what were all Inca subjects responsible?
a) several weeks of annual labor service
b) election of each provincial governor
c) service in the Inca army
d) weaving of cloth and child care

Which of the following were constructed by the Inca to increase trade and to aid in the management of the empire?
a) wheeled carriages and other vehicles
b) massive sailing ships
c) nearly 25,000 miles of road and bridge
d) many adobe huts with thatched roofs

Why were the buildings and monuments of the Inca capital at Cuzco built with close fitting stones and no mortar?
a) for the ritual purpose of human sacrifice
b) to better display hieroglyphic carvings
c) to withstand the frequent earthquakes
d) to better view astronomical events

Though the Inca did not have a writing system, they kept records with
a) knotted string.
b) carved ivory.
c) terraced farming.
d) trained runners.

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