Industrialization Question Preview (ID: 62516)

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The growth of the which of the following increased the demand for slaves in the Americas?
a) Hacienda System
b) Socialism
c) Plantation Economy
d) Social Stratification

An example of Europe and the US enjoying a distinct economic advantage included cotton grown in the Caribbean, or North America and exported to where?
a) Asia
b) Great Britain
c) South America
d) Lebanon

Competition over trade routes, state rivalries, and local resistance all provided significant challenges to which of the following regarding states?
a) Military Social Stratification
b) Decline and Contraction
c) Agriculture Production and Trade
d) Consolidation and Expansion

What do our notes say the profits from the sale of raw materials used to purchase?
a) Manufacturing Equipment
b) Spices
c) Government Jobs
d) Finished Goods

The distribution of coal, iron, and timber; urbanization, an abundance of rivers and canals, and the accumulation of capital are all factors that led to which of the following?
a) Industrial Revolution
b) Plantation Economies
c) Hacienda Systems
d) Trade Cities

While Middle Eastern and Asian countries continued to produce manufactured goods, these regions’ share in global manufacturing did which of the following?
a) Increased
b) Declined
c) Remained the Same
d) Disappeared all Together

The ideological inspiration for economy changes lie in the development of capitalism and classical liberalism associated with which two economic minds?
a) Karl Marx John Keynes
b) Adam Smith John Stuart Mill
c) Milton Friedman Jan Tinbergen
d) Forbes Nash Steven D. Levitt

Which was organized in a way that gave merchants and companies based in Europe and the US a distinct economic advantage?
a) Trade
b) Innovation
c) Urban Planning
d) Industrialization

Steam engines and the internal combustion engine made it possible to take advantage of vast new resources of energy stored in___________, specifically coal and oil.
a) Renewable Resources
b) The Workforce
c) Fossil Fuels
d) Innovations

What led to new methods in the production of steel, chemicals, electricity, and precision machinery during the second half of the 19th century?
a) Industrial Revolution
b) The Factory System
c) Second Industrial Revolution
d) Capital

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