Washington's Farewell Address Question Preview (ID: 62489)

Washington's Farewell Address. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which of the following were in Washington's farewell address?
a) create a national bank
b) no political parties
c) help other countries with their issues
d) Adopt all the cats

What was George Washington’s Farewell Address?
a) A speech he gave to his soldiers when the Revolutionary war ended.
b) A poem he wrote for Martha Washington as he lay dying.
c) A message he gave to the American people as he was leaving the Presidency.
d) Nothing, mind your own business

George Washington warned against all of the following in his Farewell Address, except -
a) trade with Europe
b) spirit of party
c) foreign alliances
d) debt

Which of the following was a warning George Washington issued in his Farewell Address?
a) Washington told Americans their first priority for the new nation was a road
b) Washington warned against entering into extended treaties with other nations
c) Washington warned Americans to fight against the institution of slavery.
d) Washington argued for the American people to support the French and Indian War

Which of the following is not an idea presented by George Washington in his Farewell Address?
a) Political parties are not good for the country
b) Education is important so that we have educated citizens who can make good decisions
c) All presidents should only serve two terms
d) Dividing the country North, South, East, and West would cause problems

How did Washington's Farewell Address influence American foreign policy? (8.5E)
a) A. The United States attempted to remain neutral with foreign powers through the 19th century.
b) B. The United States attempted to gain territory across the Americas.
c) C. The United States led attempts to form international organizations that would seek peace.
d) D. The United States sought new trading relationships with Asian powers.

In his farewell address, Washington advised against becoming involved in European affairs because___
a) the U.S. and Britain were allies
b) France was a weak country
c) he opposed foreign trade
d) he did not want the U.S. to be dragged into war.

George Washington
a) Capital of the United States
b) First President of the United States
c) Citizens must call a judge when in court
d) Judges on the Supreme Court

George Washington was known as all of the following EXCEPT -
a) the 'Father of Our Country'
b) the first president
c) the writer of the Constitution
d) the commander of the Continental Army

War that George Washington fought in
a) World War 1
b) World War 2
c) Civil War
d) American Revolution

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