Early Events Question Preview (ID: 62488)
XYZ Affair, Alien And Sedition Acts, Whiskey Rebellion.
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What is the XYZ Affair?
a) The US wanted France to pay tribute to avoid a war
b) France wanted the US to pay tribute to end attacks on American ships
c) A secret alliance between France and Britain
d) The Treaty that John Jay made with the British
What does XYZ stand for in the XYZ Affair?
a) The secret agents who met the Americans when they went to France
b) The list of American demands
c) The name of the 3 American representatives sent to France
d) The King of France’s nickname
Why was the U.S. angry over the XYZ Affair?
a) Too many French immigrants were coming into the country
b) France wanted money from the US for them to stop attacking our ships
c) Britain was attacking US ships
d) People were criticizing the government
What event most likely caused the XYZ Affair?
a) Jay's Treaty
b) The Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions
c) The Alien and Sedition Acts
d) The Treaty of Paris
What was the cause of the Whiskey Rebellion?
a) Farmers refused to pay taxes on whiskey
b) Farmers refused to use grain to produce whiskey
c) The government would not allow the trade of whiskey
d) The government made the production of whiskey illegal
What was the importance of the Whiskey Rebellion?
a) It explained the role of the executive branch.
b) It defined the role of the legislative branch.
c) It described the role of the judicial branch.
d) It described the role of the state governments
What was the significance of the outcome of the Whiskey Rebellion?
a) It showed that the new federal government had the power to enforce laws.
b) It showed that George Washington was a strong leader.
c) It showed that the new government did not care about local farmers.
d) It showed that the government would not support manufacturing.
The Alien and Sedition Act said...
a) People could not criticize the government
b) England and France were going to war with each other... again.
c) People were not allowed to trade with France
d) People did not have to pay taxes if they didn't want to
What was the purpose of the Alien and Sedition Act of 1798?
a) Federalists created this law to stop people from speaking out against President Adams
b) Anti-Federalists created this law to stop the government from becoming too powerful
c) Republicans created this law to stop people from speaking out against President Adams
d) Decmocrats created this law to stop the government from becoming too powerful
Why did the Alien and Sedition Acts upset many citizens?
a) They allowed more immigrants into America
b) They forbid all immigration into America
c) They violated the Constitution
d) They were passed without the approval of Congress
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