Review Of The Protestant Reformation - TN - Grade 7 - Part 2 Question Preview (ID: 62483)

Review Of TN State Standards 7.44-7.49. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

True or False: The Holy Roman Empire dissolves and breaks into smaller independent states after the 30 Years' War.
a) True
b) False

The printing press helped to spread the ideas of the Renaissance by printing more books and making them more available.
a) True
b) False

In the Thirty Years’ War, France fought against both the Holy Roman Empire and Spain in order to
a) preserve the divine right of kings.
b) purge the Catholic Church of corruption
c) gain political leadership in Europe.
d) win religious freedom for its citizens

The Council of Trent agreed that
a) Church tradition, along with the Bible, is the authority to guide Christianity
b) the Catholic Church has the final say on interpreting the Bible
c) salvation requires both faith and good works
d) all of these

Who became head of the Anglican Church in 1534 and was also considered the main interpreter of the Bible
a) Henry VIII
b) Pope Leo X
c) John Calvin
d) Martin Luther

What were the goals of the Jesuits?
a) Improve Catholic education
b) Convert non-Christians
c) Stop spread of Protestantism
d) All of them

Ignatius of Loyola created a religious order of Jesuits. (The Society of Jesus)
a) True
b) False

The Thirty Years War
a) began in Prussia
b) was fought between Protestants and Muslims
c) led to the union of France and Spain
d) began locally between Protestants and Catholics, but eventually became a general European War

What is a Lutheran?
a) Member of a Christian church founded on the principles of the Reformation
b) Member of a Protestant church founded on the teachings of Martin Luther
c) To believe in Luther
d) Cancel or put an end to

The Catholic Church's selling of indulgences led to which of the following?
a) led to a weakening of power of the Catholic Church
b) led to the Protestant Reformation
c) led to Martin Luther nailing his 95 Theses on the church door
d) all of the above

What is William Tyndale best known for?
a) Translating the Bible into English
b) Being martyred
c) Stopping the sale of indulgences
d) Beginning the Protestant Reformation

What did William Tyndale use to make his Bibles more affordable?
a) Bookstores
b) Advertising and discounts
c) Many helpers to write the Bible down by hand.
d) The printing press

Which of the following was NOT a cause of the Reformation?
a) The creation of the Printing Press
b) Some of the practices of the church were considered unacceptable.
c) Some church leaders became worldly and corrupt.
d) The Renaissance values of humanism and secularism led people to question the church.

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