Early Colonies Question Preview (ID: 62479)
Early Colonies.
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Which colony came for religious reasons?
a) Pennsylvania
b) Roanoke Island
c) Jamestown
d) Georgia
Which colony came for money reasons?
a) Pennsylvania
b) Plymouth
c) Massachusetts Bay
d) Jamestown
Who settled in Georgia?
a) Puritans
b) Debtors
c) VA Company of London
d) Separatists
Who settled in Plymouth?
a) Separatists
b) Puritans
c) Quakers
d) Debtors
1. Which colony was the first PERMANENT English settlement in North America?
a) Plymouth
b) Jamestown
c) Roanoke Island
d) Georgia
4. Which colony was settled by the Puritans?
a) Plymouth
b) Pennsylvania
c) Massachusetts Bay
d) Jamestown
Which colony is known as the Lost Colony?
a) Georgia
b) Plymouth
c) Jamestown
d) Roanoke Island
Which colony was settled by the Quakers?
a) Pennsylvania
b) Jamestown
c) Plymouth
d) Georgia
What does religious persecution mean?
a) To punish someone who didn't pay their debts.
b) To punish someone for their cultural beliefs.
c) To punish someone for their economic beliefs.
d) To punish someone for their religious beliefs.
Why would someone go to debtors prison?
a) They didn't pay their debts
b) They didn't go to church
c) They didn't get a job when they moved to the colonies
d) They refused to work
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