Electricity And Magnetism PART 2! Question Preview (ID: 62460)

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The farther you move magnets apart, the ______ the force becomes.
a) stronger
b) weaker
c) same

If you have 2 magnets close together, then the magnetic force is ________.
a) strong
b) weak
c) medium
d) none of the above

______ is a force that either attracts or repels certain materials.
a) Static
b) Magnetism
c) Insulator
d) Energy

A negative and a negative charge or a positive and positive charge ___________.
a) attract
b) repel
c) both
d) neither

Opposite charges attract (pull toward) each other. So a ______________ charge are attracted to each other.
a) negative and negative
b) positive and positive
c) negative and a positive
d) none of the above

_________ is a charge that builds up when two objects rub together.
a) Insulator
b) Proton power
c) Static electricity
d) Neutron

A ________ is any material that lets an electrical current flow through it easily.
a) insulator
b) proton
c) conductor
d) static

Metals such as copper, silver, iron, and gold, are good __________.
a) conductors
b) insulator

A/an ______ is any material through which an electric current CANNOT easily pass.
a) conductor
b) insulator

Which of these are good insulators?
a) Rubber
b) glass
c) wood
d) all of the above

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