Unit 4 Review Question Preview (ID: 62457)

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What are shadows?
a) When an object BLOCKS the light source.
b) When an object CREATES the light source.
c) A dark puddle outside
d) A person

What direction do shadows point?
a) The shadow always points in the SAME direction of the light source!
b) The shadow always points in the RIGHT direction of the light source!
c) The shadow always points in the OPPOSITE direction of the light source!
d) The shadow always points in the LEFT direction of the light source!

When are the shadows the SHORTEST on Earth?
a) 6 am
b) 6 pm
c) 12 am
d) 12 pm

What is revolution? How long does it take?
a) When the Earth orbits around itself; takes 1 year
b) When the Earth orbits around the sun; Takes 1 year
c) When the Earth orbits around the sun. Takes 1 day
d) When the Earth spins around the sun. takes 24 hours

Revolution gives us...
a) Night and day
b) Glacial erosion
c) Seasons
d) Winter

What is the relationship between seasons and the amount of direct sunlight?
a) In the summer, the place receives the LEAST amount of direct sunlight
b) In the winter, the place receives the LEAST amount of direct sunlight.
c) In the winter , the place receives the MOST amount of direct sunlight
d) Receive the same amount of sunlight

How much direct sunlight do places near the equator recieve?
a) A lot
b) A little.
c) Some
d) None

What is rotation? How long does it take?
a) When the Earth spins around its tilted axis; takes 1 year
b) When the Earth spins around its tilted axis; takes 1 day
c) When the Earth orbits around the sun; takes 24 hours
d) When the Earth orbits around the sun; takes 1 year

Rotation gives us...
a) Seasons
b) Tides
c) Day or night
d) Moon

What causes day and night on Earth?
a) The Earth has daytime when it faces the moon during its rotation
b) The Earth has daytime when it faces the sun during its rotation
c) The Earth has daytime when it faces itself during its rotation
d) The Earth has night time when it faces the sun during its rotation

Does the sun move?
a) Yes it rotates
b) No, the Earth moves
c) Yes, the Earth stays still
d) No, it revolves

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