Spot Logical Fallacies Question Preview (ID: 62452)

Identify When Reasoning Is Based On A Fallacy. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Does Rebecca reach a reasonable conclusion when she says that if Ethan doesn't answer the door, he must not be home?
a) No
b) Yes

Why is it important to think critically and ask questions when identifying logical fallacies?
a) To win arguments
b) To avoid being fooled by logical fallacies
c) To twist facts
d) To distract from the real issue

What is the Straw man fallacy?
a) Misrepresenting an argument to make it easier to attack
b) Including a conclusion as part of the reasoning without evidence
c) Wrongly claiming that one thing caused another
d) Presenting a situation as having only two options

Which of the following uses a straw man fallacy?
a) If you're in favor of democracy, you must also support anarchism.
b) You don't want to have any dessert? So you're saying you hate my cooking.
c) We can either go to the beach or stay home and do nothing.
d) If we allow kids to have smartphones, soon they'll be bringing guns to school.

Which of the following uses a false dilemma fallacy?
a) We can either go to the beach or stay home and do nothing.
b) You don't want to have any dessert? So you're saying you hate my cooking.
c) If you're in favor of democracy, you must also support anarchism.
d) If we allow kids to have smartphones, soon they'll be bringing guns to school.

Which of the following is an example of the logical fallacy of begging the question?
a) All birds can fly because they have wings.
b) If it's raining, you should carry an umbrella.
c) She's lying because she never tells the truth.
d) If you're hungry, you should eat something.

Which of the following is an example of a false cause fallacy?
a) Since we started using our lucky mascot, we've won every game.
b) If it's raining, you should carry an umbrella.
c) I cannot find my keys. They must have been stolen.
d) All birds can fly because they have wings.

Which best describes the fallacy of begging the question?
a) Making an argument based on unproven premises
b) Asking a question that assumes the answer within it
c) Making an argument with no logical link
d) Using emotional appeals instead of logical reasoning

What is the definition of the false dilemma fallacy?
a) Use of irrelevant arguments to divert attention
b) Presenting only two choices or outcomes when in fact there are more
c) Backing a claim by just repeating ideas
d) Assuming that what is true of the part is true for the whole

What is the false cause fallacy?
a) A true statement that is intentionally misleading
b) An argument that assumes an event is the cause of another event just because it happened earlier
c) A lie that is told to avoid the truth
d) A statement that cannot be proven false or true

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