Electricity And Magnetism #1 Question Preview (ID: 62448)

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Atoms are made up of smaller parts including _______.
a) proteins, nutella, and elections
b) protons, neutrons, and electrons
c) molecules
d) none of the above

All matter is made up of tiny ________.
a) positive electric charges
b) negative electric charges
c) atoms
d) plastics

Electricity that moves through a wire is called
a) positive particle
b) free flow current
c) hot-wired
d) current electricity

Electricity can no longer flow if...
a) if it has several paths to follow.
b) it has a complete closed path.
c) any part of the electricity's path is blocked or broken.
d) it's feeling a little burned out.

If a wire is cut or is not connected to one end of a battery, then the circuit is no longer complete and the electricity cannot flow. This is a/an
a) closed circuit
b) complete failure
c) electric karma
d) open circuit

A complete electrical circuit is called a/an _______.
a) closed circuit
b) open circuit
c) constant flow format
d) incomplete path

Electricity can be _________-harnessed or naturally occurring.
a) human
b) mechanically
c) mysteriously
d) lightning

The electricity that we use for lights (current electricity), is an example of _____.
a) naturally occuring.
b) human-harnessed
c) both
d) neither

Electricity is a form of _______, made of tiny particles that have _______ charges.
a) energy, positive
b) power, positive
c) energy, negative
d) power, negative

The ability to cause a change in the world of matter
a) electricity
b) energy
c) eggs
d) exercise

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