The Rock Cycle (7.2.1) Question Preview (ID: 62430)

A Test On Important Vocabulary From The Rock Cycle Unit. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What type of rock is formed by the cooling of magma or lava?
a) Metamorphic Rock
b) Sedimentary Rock
c) Igneous Rock
d) Igneous Rock

What type of rock is formed by the deposition and fusion of sediments?
a) Sedimentary Rock
b) Metamorphic Rock
c) Igneous Rock
d) Extrusive Rock

What type of rock is formed by heat and pressure on existing rocks?
a) Sedimentary Rock
b) Metamorphic Rock
c) Igneous Rock
d) Purple Rock

How is sedimentary rock primarily formed?
a) Heat and pressure on other rocks
b) Cooling of magma or lava
c) Sediments fusing together
d) Weathering and Erosion

How is Igneous rock primarily formed?
a) Heat and Pressure on other rocks.
b) Cooling of magma or lava
c) Sediments fusing together
d) Weathering and Erosion

How is Metamorphic rock primarily formed?
a) Heat and Pressure on other rocks.
b) Cooling of magma or lava
c) Sediments fusing together
d) Weathering and Erosion

What geological process leads to the formation of metamorphic rock?
a) Crystallization
b) Weathering and Erosion
c) Heat and pressure on existing rock
d) Sedimentation

What geological process leads to the formation of igneous rock?
a) Crystallization
b) Weathering and Erosion
c) Heat and pressure on existing rock
d) Sedimentation

What is the term for the process of forming crystals as magma or lava cools?
a) Weathering
b) Deformation
c) Crystallization
d) Sedimentation

Which process involves rocks being broken down into sediment and moved around?
a) Crystallization
b) Sedimentation
c) Deformation
d) Weathering and Erosion

Which Process involves the deposition of sediment that is compressed to form new rock.
a) Sedimentation
b) Deformation
c) Crystalization
d) Weathering and Erosion

Which Process involves the bending of rock due to heat and pressure.
a) Sedimentation
b) Deformation
c) Crystalization
d) Weathering and Erosion

What does sedimentation refer to in the context of rock formation?
a) Breaking down of rocks into sediment
b) Movement of rocks
c) Deposition and fusion of sediments
d) Formation of crystals

What does weathering and erosion refer to?
a) Breaking down of rocks into sediment
b) Movement
c) Deposition and fusion of sediments
d) Formation of crystals

What does deformation in the geological sense involve?
a) Formation of crystals
b) Change in the shape of a rock as metamorphic rock forms
c) Breaking down of rocks into sediment
d) Movement of rocks

What does crystallization involve?
a) Formation of crystals as lava cools
b) Change in the shape of a rock as metamorphic rock forms
c) Breaking down of rocks into sediment
d) Movement of rocks

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