Compare And Contrast Question Preview (ID: 62429)

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Compare is when you look for the differences between something.
a) True
b) False
c) I don’t know

Contrast is when you look for the differences between something.
a) True
b) False
c) I am not sure

Is this comparing or contrasting: Jane and Bob BOTH love baseball.
a) Compare
b) Contrast
c) I have no clue
d) Atlanta Braves

Is this comparing or contrasting: Dogs have tales, but butterflies do not.
a) Compare
b) Contrast
c) Bears
d) I do not know

Comparing is when you find what two or more things have in common.
a) False
b) True
c) Maybe
d) IDK

Which of the following would be used to COMPARE?
a) Both
b) Unlike
c) Differ
d) Although

Which of the following would be used to CONTRAST?
a) But
b) Both
c) Similar
d) Also

Which one is comparing?
a) Anna likes hockey, but John likes golf.
b) Henry enjoys ice cream, however Ken enjoys cake.
c) Leslie and Logan both like Ms. Fletcher’s class!
d) Bears have sharp claws, on the other hand fish do not.

Which one is contrasting?
a) Fish and whales do not have legs.
b) Flowers and people need water.
c) Cars and golf carts both have wheels.
d) The ocean is salty, but the river is not.

What does compare and contrast mean?
a) To tell how things are the same and different.
b) To teach people how to swim
c) They help people run for president
d) To tell people how to bake a cake

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