Practice Question Preview (ID: 62369)

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What is the color of the sky?
a) blue
b) red
c) yellow
d) green

How many days are in a year?
a) 365
b) 289
c) 300
d) 356

How many months are in a year?
a) 12
b) 10
c) 22
d) 24

Arizona often has hot, dry weather. Casey wonders what would cause weather like this and looks up the different kinds of air masses. What kind of air mass would most likely bring this sort of weather? *
a) maritime tropical
b) continental tropical
c) maritime polar
d) continental polar

There are many different kinds of dogs. Dogs can be very big or very small. Some dogs have short, pointy ears. Other dogs have long ears that hang down. Dogs can have lots of hair or no hair at all! Which other sentence would go in the paragraph?
a) Dogs are very friendly.
b) Many people like dog shows.
c) Some dog have long tails.
d) answer not given

Nadia lives 11.4km from school and walks every day. The equation d = 11.4 - 0.6t represents the relationship between d, her distance from school in km, and t, her time travelling in minutes. If she leaves home at 8:05AM, when will she get to school?
a) 8:11 AM
b) 8:16 AM
c) 8:17 AM
d) 8:24 AM

Food can be baked. Food can also be fried. Food can be boiled. There are many ways to _______ food
a) cook
b) waste
c) color
d) find

Your favorite subject is math, you have a social studies review and a math worksheet for homework.
a) You should do the social studies first, then the math
b) You should watch tv, do the math and then do social studies before bed
c) You should eat dinner, do the math and do social studies during study hall
d) You should do the math then do social studies in homework hall

Michelle packed 6 boxes of books. Each box has 24 books in it. How many books did Malik pack in all?
a) 124
b) 144
c) 156
d) 244

Physical Health, Mental/Emotional Health, and Social Health are the three components of health that make up the ______________ _______________
a) Health Diamond
b) Health Circle
c) Health Square
d) Health Triangle

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