Quarter 1 Exam Misc.1 Question Preview (ID: 62360)
Quarter 1 Exam Misc.1.
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Which statement best describes and explains the apparent motion of Saturn over the next few hours?
a) Saturn will set 4 hours after the Sun because Earth rotates at 15° per hour.
b) Saturn will set 4 hours after the Sun because Saturn orbits Earth slower than the Sun orbits Earth
c) Saturn will set 3 hours after the Sun because Earth rotates at 15° per hour.
d) Saturn will set 1 hour after the Sun because Earth rotates at 60° per hour.
Locations A and B have the same
a) longitude and elevation
b) latitude and local time
c) latitude and elevation
d) longitude and local time
In which sequence are the items listed from smallest to largest?
a) solar system, Milky Way, universe
b) Milky Way, solar system, universe
c) universe, Milky Way, solar system
d) Milky Way, universe, solar system
What is the altitude of Polaris when viewed from Massena, NY?
a) 42°
b) 43°
c) 44°
d) 45°
During a time exposure of the photograph, the stars appear to have moved through an arc of 45°. How many hours did this time exposure take?
a) 1
b) 3
c) 13.8
d) 15
When it is 7:00 p.m. solar time at location X, at which location is 8:00 p.m. solar time being observed?
a) A
b) B
c) C
d) D
When it is 7:00 p.m. solar time at location X, at which location is 5:00 p.m. solar time being observed?
a) A
b) B
c) C
d) D
What are the latitude and longitude of point C?
a) 20°N, 95°E
b) 95°E, 20°N
c) 20°E, 95°N
d) 95°N, 20°E
Identify the location on the map where sunrise occurs first each day.
a) Kingston
b) Watertown
c) Jamestown
d) Lake Ontario
What is the approximate altitude of Polaris when viewed from Rochester, NY?
a) 41°
b) 42°
c) 43°
d) 44°
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