Wizard Of Oz Ch 1-7 Vocabulary Question Preview (ID: 62328)

Covers Chapter 1-7 Vocabulary Words Of Wonderful Wizard Of Oz. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

to make someone feel bound to do something or to act in a certain way
a) frail
b) wistful
c) oblige
d) industrious

working hard; producing in an active way; busy, energetic, productive
a) industrious
b) wistful
c) frail
d) indignant

impair the qualify of; spoil
a) oblige
b) mar
c) wistful
d) industrious

to lesson the determintation of; intimidate; discourage
a) gaunt
b) blister
c) daunt
d) dismal

careless or reckless
a) oblige
b) mar
c) industrious
d) heedless

a place or point where two or more parts come together or are connected
a) gaunt
b) daunt
c) blister
d) joint

not tilled, not prepared for growing crops, unfarmed
a) untilled
b) joint
c) daunt
d) blister

an unlucky event; accident, misfortune
a) joint
b) untilled
c) mishap
d) daunt

long and boring; dull; wearisome, monotonous, tiresome
a) mishap
b) tedious
c) untilled
d) joint

alarm, confusion, or mental distress
a) tedious
b) resolve
c) dismay
d) mishap

to decide firmly or reach a conclusion; determine, settle
a) untilled
b) tedious
c) mishap
d) resolve

full of gloom; sad, miserable, grim
a) dismal
b) dismay
c) resolve
d) tedious

for paint or a similar coating to raise and bubble
a) gaunt
b) blister
c) dismal
d) dismay

very thin and bony; lanky, lean, scrawny
a) resolve
b) dismal
c) dismay
d) gaunt

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