Middle East Economy Review Question Preview (ID: 62324)

Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Israel. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Saudi Arabia has been definitely benefited from the discovery of oil. Which facts supports this statement?
a) Saudi Arabia can afford desalination plants for freshwater
b) Saudi Arabia has many Christian tourists
c) Saudi Arabia has a very low literacy rate

What is the main cause of the rapid economic development of Saudi Arabia in the past 75 years?
a) petroleum exports
b) machinery imports
c) commercial shipping

How could Saudi Arabia increase its GDP?
a) Increase their education programs
b) Encourage people to move to cities
c) Reduce their world trade

If Turkey invests 25% in capital goods and Saudi Arabia only invests 10%, how SHOULD this affect their GDP?
a) It would not affect the GDP at all
b) Turkey's GDP SHOULD increase more than Saudi Arabia's
c) Saudi Arabia's GDP SHOULD increase more than Turkey's
d) Both countries' GDP SHOULD increase the same amount

The government controls most of the oil industry in this country.
a) Saudi Arabia
b) Israel
c) Turkey

Why is it important for countries to have a system of exchanging currency?
a) Countries with a system of exchanging currency has cheaper goods
b) Having a system makes it possible to buy and sell goods between countries with different currencies
c) There is no need for a system because all countries use the same currencies
d) Banks make a lot of money when they exchange different currencies

Which statement most accurately describes a command economy?
a) Allowing people to own their own businesses
b) Following traditions and customs from the past
c) Government controlling land and businesses
d) Supply and demand controlling the price of goods and services

Which trade barrier is where a limit is put on the amount of goods that can be imported in order to make domestic goods more favorable to consumers?
a) quota
b) tariff
c) embargo

Which trade barrier completely forbids or bans trade with another country usually because of political reasons?
a) embargo
b) quota
c) tariff

What does O.P.E.C. stand for?
a) Oil Producing Export Countries
b) Outstanding Petroleum Expert Countries
c) Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries
d) Organization of People Exporting Crude Oil

Which trade barrier involves taxing imported goods to make domestically produced goods more favorable to consumers?
a) tariff
b) embargo
c) quota

If Israel is closer to market on the economic continuum (line), which statement is true?
a) Private businesses and citizens made more business decisions
b) The government makes more business decisions
c) Religious authorities make more business decisions

Which of the following is NOT a way to improve a country's GDP?
a) Increase Government Rules and Regulations for Entrepreneurs
b) Build more schools and provide free public education
c) Invest in Capital Resources
d) Use money from natural resources wisely

Which factor of production would have the BIGGEST impact on a country's roads, factories, and technology?
a) Capital Resources
b) Human Capital
c) Natural Resources
d) Entrepreneurship

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