GS1 Standard 1 Question Preview (ID: 623)

EOC Review Items For Standard 1. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What is not a step in the scientific method?
a) scientific law
b) hypothesis
c) experiment/procedure
d) problem/question/observation

Which means "an explanation of the results of your testing?"
a) experiement/procedure
b) conclusion/analysis
c) hypothesis
d) observation/question

Which means "seeing, hearing, smelling, touching or tasting?"
a) Observation
b) Conclusion
c) Data
d) Problem/Question

To test a hypothesis you would
a) Write a conclusion
b) Ask a question
c) Make a graph
d) Perform an Experiment

Which is an example of a hypothesis
a) I think that the red light will decrease plant growth
b) The red light is responsible for no growth
c) If the red light is on we will see what happens
d) I wonder what will happen if we turn on the red light

What is an experimental variable
a) Anything that is kept the same or under control in the experiment; control variables
b) The variables that do not affect an experiment
c) Any variable that effect the outcome of an experiment; independent/dependent variables
d) none of these are correct

Which of the following is a definition of an independent variable
a) found on the x axis, the variable we change on purpose
b) found on the x axis, the variable we measure for change
c) found on the y axis, the variable we change on purpose
d) found on the y axis, the variable we measure for change

Where do we find the variable we measure for change
a) We find the contol variable on the y axis
b) We find the dependent variable on the x axis
c) We find the independent variable on the x axis
d) We find the dependent variable on the y axis

Which of the following is an example of control vairables
a) Measuring flowers for growth under red light
b) Keeping the flower type, pot, soil, water and nutrients the same in the experiment
c) Changing the type of light that a plant receives
d) Chaning the amount of water that a plant receives

What makes an experiment a valid one?
a) Fair, repeatable, follows scientific method, and has only 1 variable
b) Fair, non-repeatable, follows most of the scientific method
c) Follows the scientific method, has several variables, and is repeatable
d) Is repeatable, follows the scientific method, as plenty of variables, and is repeatable.

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