WH - Ch 2, Sec 2 Question Preview (ID: 62287)

World History. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Pastoral nomads often passed on new technology, such as the use of bronze and iron, by
a) carrying products between civilized centers.
b) inventing the alphabet.
c) following regular migratory routes to provide food for their animals.
d) charting new routes in the Atlantic Ocean.

Indo-European languages include Greek, Latin, Persian, Sanskrit, German, and
a) Chinese.
b) Turkish.
c) English.
d) Arabic.

The city ports of Byblos, Tyre, and Sidon were part of
a) Egypt.
b) Lebanon.
c) Phoenicia.
d) Babylonia.

The Phoenician culture is best known for
a) iron weaponry.
b) the alphabet.
c) ivory figurines.
d) canopic jars.

The religious beliefs of the Israelites were written down in
a) Sanskrit.
b) hieratic script.
c) pictographs.
d) the Hebrew Bible.

The Torah contains the fundamental principles of the
a) Israelites.
b) Minoans.
c) Egyptians.
d) Indo-Europeans.

This civilization, though not Greek, influenced the peoples of the Greek mainland.
a) Hittites.
b) Israelites.
c) Phoenicians.
d) Minoans.

The Israelite prophets
a) threatened their neighbors.
b) violated the covenant that God made with them.
c) condemned the rich for causing the poor to suffer.
d) accepted the gods of their conquerors.

Trade with other lands affected the Minoans by
a) helping them to improve the design and techniques of the goods they produced.
b) carrying disease from other cultures and spreading it to their own culture.
c) helping them design and build a complex labyrinth.
d) giving them a strategic advantage to invade other countries.

TThe place that Israelites viewed as the symbolic center of their religion and of the Israelite kingdom was
a) Hattushash.
b) Jerusalem.
c) Carthage.
d) Knossos.

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