Latitude, Longitude, And Grid System Review Question Preview (ID: 62286)
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What is the Prime Meridian?
a) A line of longitude that begins measurement from east to west
b) A line of latitude that circles the middle of Earth
c) The International Date Line
d) An imaginary line that cuts through the center of Earth
What is the Equator?
a) It's the 90 degree longitude line that runs diagonally around the Earth
b) It's the 0 degree latitude line that runs East to West around the Earth
c) It's the 90 degree latitude line that spirals around the Earth
d) It's the 0 degree longitude line that runs North to South around the Earth
Meridians that run north to south on a map
a) relative location
b) intermediate directions
c) lines of latitude
d) lines of longitude
Meridians of Longitude
a) Imaginary lines that run north and south on the map and are measured in degrees east and west of the prime meridian.
b) An area of land that has water border it on three sides
c) A group of mountains that are arranged in a row.
d) Producing in large amounts. An area of land that produces in large amounts.
Lines that are parallel.......
a) intersect at 90 degree angles
b) can intersect at any angle
c) will never intersect
d) none of the above
What is the distance from the equator to a point on a parallel?
a) longitude
b) latitude
c) perigee
d) apogee
Lines of ____________________ run parallel to the equator.
a) latitude
b) longitude
______________ Lines circle the earth parallel to the equator
a) Latitude
b) Prime Meridian
c) Longitude
d) Eastern Hemisphere
If it is Monday west of the International Date Line, what day is it east of the line?
a) Sunday
b) Monday
c) Tuesday
d) Saturday
The International Date Line is another name for the _____________.
a) equator
b) prime meridian
c) 180 degree meridian
d) 90 degrees North latitude
Why do geographers use a grid system on maps?
a) To look at elevation of land masses
b) To determine the position of a location
c) To predict weather patterns
d) To determine whether or not to drive or fly
The location of a place using the latitude-longitude grid system is referred to as
a) Region
b) Absolute location
c) Relative location
d) Place
Latitude and longitude lines cross each other forming a pattern called a grid system
a) True
b) False
c) .
d) .
In the grid system used to map locations on Eath's surface, lines parralel to the Equator that measure how far North or South someplace is are called
a) latitudinal lines (parallels)
b) lines
c) longitudinal lines (meridians)
How Many Degrees of longitude are between each time zone?
a) 24
b) 15
c) 100
d) 1
What is the difference of time between one longitudal meridian and another?
a) 10 hours
b) 5 hours
c) 2 hours
d) 1 hour
When plotting or finding coordinates, which do you find first?
a) Latitude
b) Longitude
c) Equator
d) Prime Meridian
True or False: The equator is an imaginary line that divides Earth into a Western Hemisphere and an Eastern Hemisphere.
a) True
b) False
0° latitude and divides the globe into the northern hemisphere and the southern hemisphere
a) Prime Meridian
b) Tropic of Cancer
c) Tropic of Capricorn
d) Equator
Which is the correct order for coordinates?
a) Latitude, longitude
b) Longitude, latitude
c) Either way
d) Latitude, equator
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