WH - CH 3, Sec 3 Question Preview (ID: 62285)

World History. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

To help control his large empire, the Akkadian emperor Sargon
a) traveled constantly, visiting every part of his empire several times a year.
b) made the former rulers of the city-states he conquered into governors.
c) executed the rulers of the city-states he conquered in order to intimidate his new subjects.
d) made the soldiers who had proved bravest in battle the governors of the city-states he conquered.

Sargon's power came primarily from
a) his military strength.
b) his skill for diplomacy.
c) his self-designated status as a god.
d) his reputation for being cruel and bloodthirsty.

At its height, the Akkadian empire included
a) lands as far east as India.
b) all of the lands between the Persian Gulf and the Red Sea.
c) all of Mesopotamia and lands westward to the Mediterranean.
d) all the Sumerian city-states and the territory south into Babylon.

After the Akkadian empire, the next great empire in Mesopotamia was called the
a) Babylonian empire.
b) Assyrian empire.
c) New Kingdom.
d) Persian empire.

Hammurabi established a capital for his empire at
a) Akkad.
b) Axum.
c) Akhetaten.
d) Babylon.

Hammurabi is now most remembered for
a) leading his well-trained army into battle.
b) developing the set of laws known as the Code of Hammurabi.
c) being the sun of Babylon, the king who made the four quarters of the world obedient.
d) the beautiful temples and palaces he had built in Babylon.

The phrase an eye for an eye sums up a concept known as
a) divide and conquer.
b) the Code of Hammurabi.
c) the principle of retaliation.
d) a tooth for a tooth.

According to the Code of Hammurabi, how should a son be punished if he hits his father?
a) His father should hit him back.
b) The son's hand should be cut off.
c) The son should be sent into exile.
d) The son should perform services in the community.

In a Mesopotamian family, who wielded the most power?
a) The father.
b) The mother.
c) The oldest family member.
d) It varied from family to family.

A society in which men hold the greatest control in both private and political spheres is known as a
a) matriarchy.
b) monarchy.
c) dynasty.
d) patriarchy.

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