USA And Canada Review Question Preview (ID: 62274)

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Which Canadian province often talks about seceding from Canada?
a) Quebec
b) Ontario
c) Sasketchewan
d) Winnepeg

Which of the following WAS invented during the Age of Invention?
a) Movies
b) the Printing Press
c) the Water Wheel
d) Clocks

Which part of Canada is the most empty?
a) North
b) West
c) East
d) South

Canada's main lawmaking body is called:
a) Diet
b) Parliament
c) Conclave
d) Congress

Which fact is true for BOTH the USA and Canada?
a) English is the most common language
b) Both countries have a king
c) Both countries have a president
d) Both countries have a prime minister

Which of the following does the king of Canada do?
a) Symbolic or ceremonial duties
b) Makes laws
c) Vetoes laws
d) Declares war

Which province in Canada has the most French influence?
a) Prince Edward Island
b) Ontario
c) Quebec
d) Alberta

How did Canada attract move immigrants after World War II?
a) It passed laws making it easier to move to Canada
b) It promised people free money
c) It cut down many forests to make room
d) It asked Santa Clause to bring more immigrants in his sled.

What two languages are most commonly spoken in Canada?
a) English and French
b) Spanish and German
c) English and German
d) French and Spanish

Which set of laws helps protect people's right to be treated equally?
a) Civil Rights Act of 1964
c) The Marshall Plan
d) The Alien and Sedition Act

What do you call the head of Canada's executive branch of government?
a) President
b) Autarch
c) Tyrant
d) Prime Minister

What document explains how the United States government is supposed to work?
a) Declaration of Independence
b) Magna Carta
c) Rules and Regulations
d) Constitution

What part of Canada do most people live in?
a) North
b) East
c) West
d) South

Which of the following WAS NOT invented during the age of invention?
a) lightbulb
b) wheel
c) airplane
d) telephone

Which branch of government makes laws?
a) Legislative
b) Executive
c) Judicial
d) Formative

Which branch of government makes sure laws follow the constitution?
a) Legislative
b) Executive
c) Judicial
d) Formative

Which branch of the government carries out the laws?
a) Legislative
b) Executive
c) Judicial
d) Formative

Who is Canada's current prime minister?
a) Vladimir Putin
b) Justin Trudeau
c) Shinzo Abe
d) Siddhartha Gautama

Which two mountain chains are in both Canada and the United States?
a) Appalachian and Rocky Mountains
b) Alps and Himalayan Mountains
c) Apennines and and Ural Mountains
d) Andes and Zagros Mountains

Which country used to be a part of Britain?
a) USA
b) Canada
c) Both
d) Neither

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