Introduction To Computers Question Preview (ID: 62263)
Keyboarding Intro To Computers.
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Computer designed for general use by a single person
a) personal computer
b) server
c) driver
d) monitor
Semiconductor light source used in various applications; in the world of computers, LED technology is used to make optical mouses and LED displays
a) light-emitting diode (LED)
b) laser printer
c) LCD
d) motherboard
Computer pointing device which takes advantage of a tactile sensor to detect a user’s finger movement
a) touchpad
b) keyboard
c) mouse
d) usb flash drive
Interface designed to connect computer and peripheral devices, such as printers, mouses, keyboards, USB flash drives and external hard drives
a) Universal serial bus (usb) connector
b) RAM
c) ROM
d) clock rate
Main circuit board inside personal computers which holds the majority of computer components and provides connectors for peripherals
a) motherboard
b) monitor
c) mouse
d) cpu
Microprocessor which calculates all the data going through a personal computer
a) central processing unit (CPU)
b) motherboard
c) mouse
d) clock rate
Thin, light electronic display which employs the light modulating properties of liquid crystals
a) Liquid crystal display (LCD)
b) LED
c) monitor
d) motherboard
Common measurement of CPU speed; tells how fast the CPU can process data; the higher the clock rate, the faster the CPU
a) clock rate
b) cpu
c) RAM
d) ROM
Type of computer memory, which temporarily stores computer information such as the operating system, application programs and data so they can be immediately accessed by the CPU
a) Random access memory (RAM)
b) Read-only memory (ROM)
c) clock rate
d) motherboard
Smallest unit of computer storage capacity
a) Binary digit (bit)
b) RAM
c) ROM
d) clock rate
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