Matter And Energy In Ecosystems Question Preview (ID: 62260)

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The openings in the epidermal layer of a leaf that allow gases to escape
a) stomata
b) epidermis
c) mesophyll cells
d) chlorophyll

Cells in a leaf that have open space between them to allow gases to flow through them.
a) spongy mesophyll cells
b) palisade mesophyll cells
c) epidermal cells
d) stomata

Plants capture light energy in
a) chloroplasts
b) ribosomes
c) mitochondria
d) nuclei

Water molecules are split apart and oxygen is released during the ___ step of photosynthesis
a) first
b) second

The second step of cellular respiration occurs in the
a) mitochondria
b) cytoplasm
c) nucleus
d) chloroplasts

Organisms that eat other animals are
a) carnivores
b) herbivores
c) omnivores
d) detritivores

Often called decomposers, these organisms feed on dead things and break them down.
a) detritivores
b) herbivores
c) carnivores
d) omnivores

The amount of available energy decreases every time it is transferred from one organism to another
a) true
b) false

The highest trophic level of an energy pyramid is made up of
a) consumers that eat other consumers
b) consumers that eat producers
c) herbivores
d) none of the above

Matter does not move continuously through ecosystems
a) false
b) true

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