Calendario Question Preview (ID: 62258)

Months, Seasons And Weather. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which word describes the weather as sunny in Spanish?
a) A) Lluvioso
b) B) Nublado
c) C) Nevado
d) D) Soleado

What is the Spanish word for weather?
a) a) Comida
b) b) Tiempo
c) c) Bebida
d) d) Deporte

What is the Spanish word for January?
a) A) febrero
b) B) enero
c) C) marzo
d) D) julio

Pickaxe Which of the following is the Spanish word for July?
a) A. enero
b) B. julio
c) C. marzo
d) D. mayo

Which of the following is not a season in Spanish?
a) A) Primavera
b) B) Verano
c) C) Otoño
d) D) Sol

What is the Spanish word for the month of April?
a) A) marzo
b) B) enero
c) C) julio
d) D) abril

Which of the following numbers represents seventy in Spanish?
a) A) Treinta
b) B) Cuarenta
c) C) Sesenta
d) D) Setenta

Which of the following is the Spanish word for Spring?
a) A) Verano
b) B) Invierno
c) C) Otoño
d) D) Primavera

What is the Spanish translation for the number fifteen?
a) A) Cinco
b) B) Diez
c) C) Quince
d) D) Veinte

Which of the following is the Spanish word for February?
a) A. Marzo
b) B. Julio
c) C. Febrero
d) D. Mayo

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