Chapter 2-Social Studies-VOCAB PRACTICE Question Preview (ID: 62254)

Native Americans In North America. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The Spanish word for town.
a) barter
b) Pueblo
c) ceremony
d) agriculture

Main crop that is used for food.
a) ceremony
b) surplus
c) staple
d) agriculture

Exchange of goods without using money.
a) barter
b) surplus
c) staple
d) irrigation

A huge, thick sheet of slowly moving ice.
a) barter
b) glacier
c) ceremony
d) pueblo

a) surplus
b) staple
c) agriculture
d) irrigation

Group of related families.
a) staple
b) ceremony
c) agriculture
d) clan

Large feast that lasts for several days.
a) lodge
b) potlatch
c) barter
d) glacier

Farming or growing plants.
a) staple
b) pueblo
c) agriculture
d) surplus

A group of people living together with organized systems of government, religion, and culture.
a) civilization
b) lodge
c) irrigation
d) clan

A house made of bark. earth, and grass.
a) lodge
b) longhouse
c) surplus
d) potlatch

Supplying water to crops using streams, ditches, or pipes.
a) barter
b) agriculture
c) surplus
d) irrigation

A special event at which people gather to express important beliefs.
a) ceremony
b) glacier
c) clan
d) travois

Similar to a sled, used by nomads to carry possessions.
a) staple
b) travois
c) surplus
d) nomad

Carefully shaped and cut seashells strung like beads.
a) longhouse
b) nomad
c) wampum
d) surplus

A person who moves around and does not live in one place.
a) nomad
b) travois
c) barter
d) potlatch

A large house made of wooden poles and bark.
a) lodge
b) longhouse
c) staple
d) pueblo

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