Night Nine Weeks Test Part 3 Question Preview (ID: 62243)

Chapters 6- 9. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

During his remaining time at Buchenwald, what is Elie's only desire?
a) To get revenge on the guards
b) To help nourish his father
c) To sleep
d) To eat

What happens to Elie's father at the end of the chapter?
a) He is moved to a hospital
b) He is liberated during an air raid
c) He passes away as Elie watches over him
d) His body is taken away during the night

How does an SS officer react when Elie's father doesn't quiet down?
a) He strikes him in the head
b) He sends him out for a selection
c) He sees to his needs
d) He gives him food and water

What is it that Elie's father keeps begging for? Elie is hesitant in getting him this.
a) Soup
b) water
c) bread
d) a blanket

What is it that Eli's father is suffering from?
a) Dysentery
b) A cold
c) The flu
d) Amnesia

Why won't the first doctor who comes along help Elie's father
a) Because he only treats the guards
b) Because Elie can't pay him
c) Because Elie's father is too sick
d) Because the doctor is a surgeon

How many prisoners survived the train trip to Buchenwald?
a) 100
b) 12
c) 15
d) 36

After being separated from his father, where does Elie later find him?
a) In line after being selected
b) In the clock where prisoners were given coffee
c) Outside, near a cauldron of soup
d) In their sleeping barracks

Who saves Elie from being strangled by another prisoner?
a) A German policeman
b) A SS officer
c) Elie's father and Meir Katz
d) Elie's father

What horrible thing does Elie witness a son, Meir do to his father?
a) Yell at him for being weak
b) Kill him over a few gulps of water
c) Kill him over food
d) Throw him off the train

What do several German throw into the cattle car? Prisoners begin fighting over what is thrown inside.
a) Canteens of water
b) cheese
c) scrapes of meat
d) bread

What camp do they finally rach?
a) Buna
b) Trebienka
c) Glleiwitz
d) Buchenwald

On their train trip to Germany, Elie saves his father when he is nearly thrown off the train. Why was he nearly thrown out?
a) He is mistaken for dead, but Elie wakes him up
b) He is selected by a German officer as being unhealthy
c) He is barely breathing, but Elie perks him up
d) He refuses to get up to help unload the train

What kept Elie from giving up and dying during the forced march?
a) his will to live
b) his father
c) the peipel
d) anger at the Nazis

How far did the prisoners march before they were allowed to rest?
a) 10 miles
b) 100 miles
c) 42 miles
d) 74 miles

What two types of figurative language are used in the sentence, In the first hours of dawn, the icy wind cut us like whips.
a) simile, onomatopoeia
b) metaphor, hyperbole
c) simile, personification
d) alliteration, personification

The prayer for the dead is called
a) Holy Prayer
b) Kaddish
c) Sacred time
d) selection

What are themes for chapters 5 and 6?
a) losing faith
b) food
c) starvation
d) hope

What does the head of the camp announce during a roll call
a) The prisoners must work harder
b) The camp will be liquidated
c) The Russians are approaching
d) The allies have defeated Germany

What happens when the resistance movement takes action?
a) The SS flee the camp
b) The resistance fighters are all killed
c) Elie is injured
d) Elie is able to escape the camp

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