Night Nine Weeks Test Part 1 Question Preview (ID: 62239)

Chapters 1 - 4 Of The Novel Night. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

At the beginning of the novel, how does Elie feel about his father?
a) Elie is afraid of his father
b) Elie admires his father
c) Elie is annoyed by his father
d) Elie protects his father

Why does the author mention Moishe the Beadle in Chapter One?
a) Moishe the Beadle is introduced to provide humor.
b) Elie is lonely and Moishe is there to provide friendship.
c) Moishe inspires Elie to hide his Jewish religion.
d) Moishe the Beadle foreshadows dangers that are coming to the Jewish people.

Where does Elie live with his family?
a) Bedapest
b) Bucharest
c) Denmark
d) Sighet

How does Moishe the Beadle teach Elie?
a) How to stay strong despite personal shortcomings.
b) How to mend shoes better than Elie's father can
c) The teachings of the Kabbalah
d) The fact that evil sometimes overcomes good.

What happens to Moishe the Beadle and the foreign Jews in Sighet?
a) They are hauled away in train cars
b) They are taken to Poland
c) They are forced to dig their own graves
d) Answers A, B, and C

How does Moishe the Beadle escape the Gestapo?
a) He plays dead
b) He slips out of a transport truck
c) A kind soldier sets him free
d) He uses fake papers to return to Sighet.

Eventually, the Germans invade Hungary and they enter Sighet. How do the German soldiers first treat the Jewish residents of Sighet?
a) The Germans treat them well
b) Some of the Germans mistreat Jewish residents
c) The Germans don't treat them well.
d) They deport the Jews of Sighet immediately

As time passes what happens to the Jews of Sighet?
a) They are forced to wear yellow stars.
b) They are forced to live in ghettos
c) They all must march to Budapest
d) Both A and B

What offer does Maria , Wiesel's maid, offer the family?
a) A hiding spot in a transport ship headed towards London.
b) A safe refuge at her village
c) A canteen filled with water for their train trip
d) Both A and B

What does a German soldier tell all those aboard a cattle car?
a) They will all be in a safe place soon.
b) If any of them escape they will all be killed
c) They need to stay quiet or else they will be shot.
d) They must not keep up their hopes

What does Madame Schachter scream out continuously?
a) She screams out of fear of the ghosts
b) She screams out of fear of being clubbed
c) She screams out of fear of the fire.
d) She screams out of fear of the gunfire.

How do people aboard the cattle car try to get Madame Schachter to quiet down??
a) They talk her into quieting down
b) They beat her up and tie her up
c) They threaten her child't life unless she stops.
d) They are told that only the men will be allowed inside.

The train finally arrives at Auschwitz. At first, how are the prisoners told they will be treated?
a) They are told they will be treated well.
b) They are told they will be split up
c) They are told that the weak will be killed
d) They are told that only the men will be allowed inside

What are the prisoners stunned to see as they leave the cattle car?
a) Chimneys belonging to crematories
b) Fields of open graves
c) Giant factories for all the prisoners to work in
d) Dormitories for the elderly

why isn't Elie sure about reciting the Kaddish?
a) The prayer is reserved for rabbis to say
b) He doesn't know the words to the prayer.
c) The prayer is reserved for adults to say
d) He is losing faith in God.

What tattoo do the prisoners receive?
a) They are tattooed with their concentration camp's name
b) They are tattooed with an identification letter/number pattern
c) They are tattooed with their barrack's name
d) They are tattooed with their prison guard's name

What lie does Elie tell his cousin Stein?
a) Liberation is on its way.
b) They will all escape together.
c) He will make it out of the camp alive
d) Stein's family is doing well.

Where are Elie and his father sent to work?
a) A construction yard
b) A rock quarry where they carry rocks
c) A hospital where they tend to the wounded.
d) A warehouse where they count electrical parts.

How is Elie able to keep his gold crown?
a) He bribes the dentist
b) His father bribes the dentist
c) He lies and says he is sick.
d) He asks Idek for protection

What does Franek demand from Elie?
a) His shoes
b) His gold crown
c) His spoon
d) His pocket knife

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