Identifying Supporting Details Question Preview (ID: 62238)

Students Read A Possible Topic Sentence Then Select The Detail That Supports It. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Some businesses try to help the community.
a) Their goal is to make a lot of money.
b) They may pay for the uniforms of kids' sports teams.
c) There are many, many kinds of businesses.
d) Running a business is hard work.

Hurricanes kill hundreds of people every year.
a) The winds destroy homes and cause flooding.
b) They always start on the ocean.
c) The eye of the hurricane is always quiet and calm.
d) In North America, we see about 6 hurricanes every year.

Walking is good exercise.
a) It can be a little boring.
b) Some days your feet may hurt.
c) It makes your heart strong.
d) Good shoes make walking easier.

Australia is home to many strange animals.
a) The country has vast deserts and many forests.
b) It is completely surrounded by water.
c) The Great Coral Reef is beautiful.
d) Wombats, for example, fight with their butts.

Trees keep the air healthy.
a) We make paper out of trees.
b) Trees make oxygen.
c) Burning leaves causes pollution.
d) Trees might fall on your house.

Wars are expensive.
a) One fighter jet costs 80 million dollars.
b) Schools must close.
c) It may be difficult to find food and water.
d) No one knows when a war will end.

Fall is my favorite season of the year.
a) Most of the flowers die.
b) Sometimes it is rainy and too cold.
c) Summer is finished.
d) The trees show brilliant colors.

I did not like the new Disney movie.
a) The characters seemed funny and brave.
b) There was a lot of action.
c) The music was terrible.
d) The people were all good-looking.

I hate vegetables.
a) Broccoli tastes like old shoes.
b) They are good for you.
c) I think carrots are okay.
d) My mom cooks them every day.

Soccer is the world's most popular sport.
a) In the U.S., football is more popular.
b) Millions of people watch the soccer World Cup.
c) I have played soccer for many years.
d) My soccer team is the best in the city.

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