What Is Obesity? Question Preview (ID: 62234)

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Obesity is a chronic disease in persons with:
a) too much body fat
b) too little exercise
c) poor diets
d) none of the above

Which cause(s) of obesity can you control?
a) genetic factors
b) behavioral factors
c) both A and B
d) neither A nor B

Extra calories taken in through your diet are:
a) eliminated from your body
b) stored as body fat
c) can lead to obesity
d) both B and C

Which method of measuring body fatness would be most difficult at school?
a) underwater weighing
b) bioelectrical impedance
c) skinfold measurement
d) body mass index

Hypertrophy in fat cells means they are:
a) shrinking
b) dividing
c) growing
d) none of the above

Body mass index (BMI) is:
a) a mathematical calculation
b) a measure of body fatness
c) used to classify obesity
d) all of the above

An adult BMI of 28 is classified as:
a) underweight
b) normal weight
c) overweight
d) obese

A 13-year old boy with a BMI percentile for age of 88 is:
a) underweight
b) overweight
c) obese
d) not enough information given

Children with BMI’s ≥ the 85th percentile are at greater risk for:
a) cardiovascular diseases
b) diabetes
c) sleep apnea
d) all of the above

Which of the following are causes of childhood obesity?
a) lack of physical activity
b) poor nutritional choices
c) watching too much T.V.
d) all of the above

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