K's First Nine Weeks Review Question Preview (ID: 62232)

1st Nine Weeks Review. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What was a negative of political machines?
a) helped those in need
b) gave jobs to those who had the most experience
c) paid rent for immigrants
d) hited friends or family who weren't qualified for jobs

What law was passed to protect against the abuses of political machines?
a) Pendleton Act
b) Dawes Act
c) Sherman Anti-Trust Act
d) Espionage Act

Which of the following was an effect of the Dawes Act?
a) Ended the power of political machines
b) It threatened tribal ways and customs of Native Americans
c) It sent young women to work in unsafe factories
d) It forbid businesses from monopolizing the market

What effect did the Bessemer Steel Process have?
a) It made working conditions in factories unsafe
b) It limited the number of immigrants from certain countries
c) It enabled sturdier and taller structures to be built
d) It enabled factories to stay open 24/7 and increase productivity

Which invention below enabled factories to stay open 24/7 and increased productivity?
a) the light bulb
b) the Bessemer Steel Process
c) the steel plow
d) Trench Warfare

Which term below means to give one's money away to a charitable cause?
a) Recall
b) Philanthropy
c) Laissez-Faire
d) Free Enterprise

Which act below prevented the manufacture, sale, or transportation of adulterated or misbranded or poisonous foods, drugs, or liquors?
a) Sherman Anti0Trust Act
b) Interstate Commerce Act
c) Chinese Exclusion Act
d) Pure Food and Drug Act

Which of the following is a cause of WWI?
a) Alliances
b) Monopolies
c) Investiture
d) Nativism

Which of the following reasons for the US to join WWI dealt with the unrestricted UBoat warfare on any ship entering British waters?
a) Zimmerman Telegram
b) US Ties with Great Britain
c) Sinking of the Titanic
d) German Proclamation

Which person helped overthrow the Hawaiian government and became the first governor of Hawaii?
a) Alfred Mahan
b) Standford Dole
c) John Muir
d) Upton Sinclair

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