World History Exam Part 2 Question Preview (ID: 62222)

World History Exam 1 Part 2. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Hammurabi was the first monarch to develop
a) hanging gardens
b) a written code of laws
c) a written alphabet
d) a chariot

Which part of Babylon was known as one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World?
a) Hanging Gardens
b) king’s palace
c) wall around the city
d) irrigation system

Babylon became rich from trade because it was located on a major trade route between the Mediterranean Sea and the
a) Red Sea.
b) Nile River.
c) Yellow River.
d) Persian Gulf.

What are Chinampas?
a) Farming using floating islands
b) Religious ceremonies
c) Burial practices
d) Architectural structure

Where did the Olmec establish their civilization?
a) Mexico
b) Yucatan Peninsula
c) Coast of the Gulf of Mexico
d) Peru

Incans, Aztecs, and Mayans all created this achievement to track farming cycles and religious events.
a) Chinampas
b) Calendars
c) Quipu
d) Hogan

How did the Incas communicate with no written language?
a) used drawings on cave walls
b) used ropes called quipu
c) used picture symbols
d) used hand gestures

Ancient Sumerians traveling South of Mesopotamia would most likely pass through which geographic feature?
a) mountains
b) river valleys
c) deserts
d) grasslands

Where is Mesopotamia?
a) Between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers.
b) In East Asia.
c) In southern Texas, near Mexico.
d) Mississippi river

a) before written history
b) iron age
c) after Columbus
d) cave drawings

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