Exam Practice Part 2 Question Preview (ID: 62215)

Part 2 US History. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which colony did the Quakers found to be a “holy experiment”?
a) New Jersey
b) Pennsylvania
c) Maryland
d) Delaware

Who created the Pennsylvania colony, designed Philadelphia, and negotiated treaties with Native Americans?
a) Peter Minuit
b) Jonas Salk
c) William Penn
d) Edward Hicks

Which of the following best describes indentured servants?
a) people who lived on a plantation and was not paid for their labor
b) they agreed to work without pay in exchange for passage to America
c) someone who was kidnapped from their country and forced into labor
d) they were primarily brought to the colonies from Africa

Which of the following statements BEST described how people in New England made money?
a) colonists grew large quantities of wheat and other cash crops
b) they made their living from farming because of the rich soil and warm climate
c) farmers developed large plantations growing cash crops and using many slaves
d) shipbuilding, due to the availability of trees/lumber

What two cities in the Middle Colonies were the largest markets for farmers’ cash crops?
a) Boston and Hartford
b) New York and Philadelphia
c) Savannah and Charleston
d) St. Augustine and Miami

What was the name of the trade route from West Africa to the colonies?
a) Atlantic Trade Route
b) Middle Passage
c) African Exchange
d) Slave Coast Route

Which best describes how slave owners treated their slaves in the Southern Colonies?
a) slave codes were used to limit their ability to escape or rebel
b) slaves were often allowed to leave the plantation and were allowed many freedoms
c) slave owners did not treat slaves harshly
d) slave owners allowed their slaves to become free after a period of time

What area did the French want to control which caused the French and Indian war to begin?
a) New York Rivers
b) Pennsylvania Farmland
c) Ohio River Area
d) New England Colonies

What were the Navigation Acts?
a) Laws that encouraged colonial trade
b) Laws that taxed colonial ships
c) Laws that restricted colonial trade
d) Laws that taxed colonial tea

What did the Proclamation of 1763 do?
a) banned colonists from trading with Native Americans
b) banned colonists from living west of the Appalachian mts.
c) put taxes on paper goods
d) allowed british troops to take residence in private homes

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