Elements Of Story Question Preview (ID: 62174)

Elements Of Narrative: Character, Setting, Conflict, Plot. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which of the following best describes a character in a story?
a) The setting of the story
b) The plot or main events of the story
c) The tangible objects mentioned in the story
d) A person, animal, or creature who takes part in the events of the story

In literary terms, who is the protagonist of a story?
a) The villain that causes problems for the main characters
b) The character who the story revolves around and faces the main conflict
c) The character who provides comic relief
d) The character who narrates the story

In literature, what does the term setting typically refer to?
a) The main characters in a story
b) The sequence of events in a plot
c) The time and place in which a story occurs
d) The underlying message or lesson in a story

What is an internal conflict in writing?
a) A conflict between two characters
b) A conflict within a character's mind
c) A conflict between a character and nature
d) A conflict between a character and society

What describes external conflict in writing?
a) The struggle between a character and their thoughts
b) The resolution to a story's main conflict
c) The struggle between a character and an outside force or other characters
d) The main character's personal growth or change

What does the term rising action refer to in a story?
a) The final outcome of the story's events.
b) The introduction of the characters and plot.
c) The series of events that build toward the point of greatest interest.
d) The part of a story that comes after the climax and before the end.

What does the term exposition refer to in writing?
a) The ending or conclusion of a story
b) The introduction of character and setting at the beginning of a story
c) The climax or turning point of a story
d) The use of figurative language in a story

What does the term falling action refer to in a narrative?
a) The climax or turning point of the story
b) The introduction of the main characters and setting
c) The final resolution or ending of the story
d) The events that occur after the climax and lead to the resolution

What does resolution mean in the context of writing a story?
a) The problem that a character faces
b) The details about the characters and setting
c) The first part of a story
d) The ending of the story where conflicts are concluded

Which of the following best describes the term climax in writing?
a) The introduction of the main characters and setting
b) The resolution or ending of the story
c) The turning point where the main character makes a crucial decision
d) The initial conflict or problem in the story

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