Latin/Greek Roots 11-12 Question Preview (ID: 62167)

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What latin root means to appear the same
a) Sim
b) Syn
c) sym
d) lik

what does the root CAU mean
a) danger
b) burn
c) warn
d) break

what latin root means stone
a) Roc
b) chron
c) lith
d) dem

What does the latin root pend mean
a) wait
b) heavy
c) with
d) to hang

What root means star?
a) Ast
b) const
c) Venus
d) Alpha

What does CAND mean
a) sweet
b) glowing
c) burn
d) star

What root means to test or prove
a) Quest
b) Tria
c) Prob
d) Junct

AFFLICtion literarlly means
a) to establish a connection by striking
b) to like something that hurts
c) Not strike
d) Insure suffering

What does Acro involve
a) Crowds
b) spiders
c) heights
d) crafts

if someone is insatiable it literally means
a) Don't trust them
b) they can't be filled
c) They are internally satisfied
d) they can't be hurt

Sequ means
a) pretty
b) to decorate
c) to clean
d) to follow

Sol has two meanings depending on the origin
a) sun and alone
b) sun and dark
c) alone and dark
d) summer and sun

What does util mean
a) water
b) metal
c) useful
d) to catch

Tort means
a) to hurt
b) To twist
c) to make
d) sweet

what root means to layer
a) Fol
b) cumul
c) equi
d) ast

what root means the same as omni
a) Pan
b) Sim
c) Ec
d) ambi

What root means to bend
a) Tort
b) Flect
c) Ben
d) anim

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