World Cultures - Unit 2 - Review Game 4 Question Preview (ID: 62163)

Chapter 7. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Canada's physical features and climate made it easy to link the country by road.
a) true
b) false

Differences in culture and language between French-speaking areas and English-speaking areas have sometimes led to conflict.
a) true
b) false

As a result of the French and Indian War, New France gained independence from Britain.
a) true
b) false

The governments of Canada and the United States are similar.
a) true
b) false

More people live in the province of Quebec than in all of the prairie provinces combined.
a) true
b) false

Which term refers to the Canadian law-making body made up of two houses?
a) prime minister
b) maritime
c) Parliament
d) Quebec

Which term refers to a city and province where regionalism and pride in French culture are strong?
a) Ottawa
b) Arctic Circle
c) Quebec
d) Vancouver

Which term means 'on or near the sea'?
a) regionalism
b) potash
c) newsprint
d) maritime

Which term refers to a city with strong trade ties to Asia?
a) Quebec
b) Arctic Circle
c) Vancouver
d) Ottawa

Which term refers to the seat of Canada's central government?
a) Quebec
b) Ottawa
c) Vancouver
d) Britain

Which term refers to the person that oversees Canada's Parliament?
a) prime minister
b) president
c) king
d) monarch

Which term refers to the strong connection that people feel toward their region?
a) loyalty
b) patriotism
c) maritime
d) regionalism

Northern Canada is extremely cold due to its location close to which term?
a) equator
b) Arctic Circle
c) Panama Canal
d) Bering Strait

Which term refers to cheap paper used mainly for newspapers?
a) potash
b) crepe paper
c) newsprint
d) paper mache

Which term refers to a mineral used to make fertilizer?
a) iron
b) potash
c) calcium
d) oxygen

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