Matter And Mixtures Question Preview (ID: 62158)

Vocabulary For Matter And Mixtures VA SOL 5.7. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

A process where a liquid turns into a gas, as a result of increased energy in its particles. Also called evaporation.
a) melt
b) freeze
c) condensation
d) vaporization

the basic building blocks of matter; the smallest unit of an element that maintains the properties of that element
a) atoms
b) elements
c) molecule
d) compound

The ability to do work or cause change is known as?
a) Job
b) Motion
c) Work
d) Energy

A liquid mixture in which one substance is mixed evenly throughout another substance. CAN be separated by evaporation.
a) solution
b) mixture
c) liquid
d) matter

Which of the following is not a state or phase of matter?
a) density
b) gas
c) liquid
d) solid

To divide or keep apart
a) contract
b) separate
c) expand
d) dissolve

change in size, shape, form, or state of matter in which the matter’s identity stays the same
a) chemical change
b) physical change
c) chemistry
d) change

A combination of two or more substances in which each keeps its own properties and both can be easily separated
a) solution
b) matter
c) mass
d) mixture

The physical process that occurs when a solid changes into a liquid after heat is applied to it.
a) Melt
b) Freeze
c) Condensation
d) Evaporation

Anything that has mass and takes up space.
a) Mass
b) Solid
c) Matter
d) Physical change

Matter can alter its form through a chemical change or through a physical change. No matter what type of change it is, every time matter alters its form-
a) the matter releases heat
b) some of the matter is destroyed
c) new matter will be created
d) the amount of matter is the same

a) A change of state from a gas to a liquid.
b) A change of state from a liquid to a gas.
c) A change of state from a solid to a liquid.
d) A change of state from liquid to solid.

A state of matter that has no fixed shape and no fixed volume.
a) Liquid
b) Gas
c) Solid
d) Plasma

A form of matter between solid and gas. Has a fixed volume, but no set shape. Always takes the shape of the container, and the particles in a move freely.
a) Liquid
b) Gas
c) Plasma
d) Solid

a) liquid turns into gas
b) two or more materials mixed together
c) when a solid disappears into a liquid
d) characteristic of an object

a) to get rid of
b) to become a different state of matter
c) To mix or cause to mix with a liquid so that the result is a liquid that is the same throughout.
d) going from a solid to a gas

Expand means ___________________ and to contract means_______________________
a) to get bigger, to get smaller
b) to shrink, to grow
c) to stay the same
d) to grow, to increase in size

Condensation is when a
a) Liquid changes to a gas
b) Gas changes to a liquid.
c) Solid changes directly to a gas
d) Solid changes to a liquid.

This is the amount of matter in an object; measured in grams
a) mass
b) weight
c) volume
d) force

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