June 2019 Global History And Geography II Regents Questions 1-10 Question Preview (ID: 62121)

The Questions In This Practice Exam Are Thoughtfully Crafted To Assess Your Knowledge And Skills. They Cover A Range Of Topics And Formats, Offering A Valuable Opportunity For Self-assessment And Preparation. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Based on this passage, one way the castle at Edo and the palace at Versailles are similar is that both

a) became symbols of power and wealth
b) developed into monastic centers of learning
c) were meant to provide protection and prevent attacks
d) served as monuments to the military

Which claim can best be supported by this passage?

a) The more independent the nobles were the higher their status.
b) Nobles maintained their authority by remaining isolated.
c) Rulers controlled their nobles by infl uencing where they lived.
d) Spending time in segregated sectors guaranteed nobles the support of their ruler.

Which political philosophy is best supported by both documents?

a) Rule of law represents a social contract with the people.
b) Tyranny encourages liberty and security.
c) Separation of powers guarantees people fair treatment.
d) Oppression promotes the general will.

Which event most directly infl uenced the writing of both documents?

a) Iranian Revolution
b) Cuban Revolution
c) French Revolution
d) Russian Revolution

What is the most likely purpose of this document?

a) to highlight the benefi ts of free market
b) to record the negative effects of child labor
c) to minimize the impacts of agricultural innovations
d) to inspire social and political reform

The conditions described in this passage directly resulted in

a) Ireland invading Britain
b) millions of Irish emigrating to the United States
c) most landlords forgiving the rent the Irish owed
d) Britain agreeing to withdraw from Ireland

A historian could best use this passage to study which topic of World War I?

a) events that started the war
b) impact of combat on civilians
c) equipment utilized by soldiers
d) propaganda that supported the war effort

Which claim can best be supported by this passage?

a) New technology made warfare more destructive.
b) Warfare had a limited impact on the environment.
c) Countries engaged in war were punished for their actions.
d) Illness and disease took many lives.

Which point of view is expressed in this illustration?

a) The Russian Orthodox Church caused the fall of the Romanov dynasty.
b) The Russian government encouraged a diversity of opinions.
c) The Romanovs suppressed Enlightenment ideas within their empire.
d) The Russian Revolution made conditions worse for most minorities.

Which long-term historical circumstance about Russia is shown in this illustration?

a) appeal of Marxism to the Russian nobles
b) autocratic rule of Russian royalty
c) rejection of the Pan-Slavism movement
d) support of the Russian Orthodox Church for democratic ideals

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