June 2022 Global History And Geography II Regents Questions 11-28 Question Preview (ID: 62116)

The Questions In This Practice Exam Are Thoughtfully Crafted To Assess Your Knowledge And Skills. They Cover A Range Of Topics And Formats, Offering A Valuable Opportunity For Self-assessment And Preparation. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which statement best represents the cartoonist’s point of view?

a) Working together will bring peace back to Europe.
b) Germany is best positioned to revive peace in Europe.
c) The nation of Italy was not guilty of any crimes in Europe.
d) There is plenty of blame to go around for the death of peace in Europe.

What was a major result of Germany’s decision to use the Schlieffen Plan in 1914?

a) French and Germans engaged in ongoing fighting across trenches.
b) British submarines came to the aid of Germans to defeat France.
c) Serbia and Austria-Hungary attacked Germany and France.
d) Russia applied diplomatic pressure to achieve a peace settlement between Germany and France.

Based on this passage, what was the purpose of the May 7th protest in Tianjin?

a) to condemn international wars
b) to demonstrate national pride
c) to support economic interdependence
d) to criticize progressive revolutionaries

Which claim is best supported by this passage?

a) Industrial modernization has been delayed by gender inequality in the workplace.
b) Women should hold positions of leadership in business and government.
c) Government and society must return to a reliance on Confucian values.
d) Consumers should choose to purchase domestically manufactured goods.

Based on Denys’ account, which situation developed during the partition of India?

a) British troops seized control of trains.
b) India became a mandate of Great Britain.
c) Religious and ethnic conflict increased along the borders.
d) Pakistan installed a communist regime.

Which statement best supports the conclusion that Denys is a reliable source of evidence regarding the partition of India?

a) He provides examples of the hostility individual Indians showed toward British soldiers.
b) He includes details that support the British government’s position regarding the division of British India.
c) He reports that India requested the continued help of the British military.
d) He gives an eyewitness account describing what he saw on Independence Day.

Which policy is most closely associated with the event featured on this map?

a) detente
b) perestroika
c) containment
d) nonalignment

The situation illustrated by this map was resolved when

a) Joseph Stalin ordered the end of the blockade
b) Winston Churchill delivered the “Iron Curtain” speech
c) the United Nations negotiated on behalf of East Germany
d) the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) threatened to use atomic weapons

Based on this passage, what conclusion can be made regarding the tensions between tradition and modernity in Iran?

a) Before the revolution, the Pahlavis encouraged people to stay within traditional Islamic norms.
b) The new theocratic government encouraged modernity and the expansion of rights.
c) Ayatollah Khomeini’s revolutionaries favored a more traditional patriarchal society.
d) After the revolution, movement toward modernity was hindered by limitations placed on males in Iranian society.

Based on this passage, how did the 1979 Iranian Revolution affect the lives of women?

a) The legal age for marriage was raised to the age of 18.
b) Women were first granted the right to run for parliament and help create laws.
c) The Family Protection Law allowed women to petition for divorce.
d) Women’s legal rights became more limited with the dismantling of Family Courts.

According to Passages A and B, both men are striving to do what?

a) lead mass protests in South Africa
b) compete for political power in South Africa
c) maintain discrimination in South Africa
d) end racial conflict in South Africa

Which long-standing policy infl uenced the actions and words expressed in these passages by Nelson Mandela and F. W. de Klerk?

a) tribal decision-making
b) international cooperation
c) apartheid
d) non-aggression

Which issue are the Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo addressing?

a) oppressive rule by a military dictatorship
b) lack of job opportunities
c) a policy of ethnic cleansing
d) a policy of ethnic cleansing

What is the primary method used by the Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo to achieve their objectives?

a) making terrorist attacks against civilians
b) staging non-violent protests
c) organizing a coup d’etat against the government
d) boycotting international corporations

Which topic best supports the information presented in this passage?

a) effectiveness of the United Nations in solving armed conflict
b) roles of women in solving socio-economic issues
c) areas of the world that are most affected by food security issues
d) negative impacts of urbanization on the environment

Based on this passage, UNICEF would most likely support which course of action in the developing world?

a) providing education programs for women
b) establishing alternative forms of energy to combat global warming
c) encouraging communities to promote traditional values and beliefs
d) decreasing the role of non-governmental organizations in providing economic assistance to countries in need

Which policy did Mikhail Gorbachev initiate during his presidency that contributed to the situation described in this excerpt?

a) Russification
b) collectivization
c) glasnost
d) nuclear rearmament

What is the significance of Mikhail Gorbachev’s speech?

a) It led to a new nuclear arms race.
b) It signaled the end of the Cold War.
c) It predicted the eventual worldwide spread of communism.
d) It caused new countries to become part of the Soviet Union.

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