June 2022 Global History And Geography II Regents Questions 1-10 Question Preview (ID: 62115)

The Questions In This Practice Exam Are Thoughtfully Crafted To Assess Your Knowledge And Skills. They Cover A Range Of Topics And Formats, Offering A Valuable Opportunity For Self-assessment And Preparation. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What was a contributing factor to the historical development shown on this map?

a) the abolition of the slave trade
b) the growing strength of Asian states
c) the lack of seafaring technology
d) the desire for markets and raw materials

Which claim is best supported by information from this illustration?

a) The clergy and the nobles have the least amount of power.
b) The Third Estate supported the First and Second Estates.
c) The First Estate supported the Third Estate.
d) The three Estates shared power equally.

What was one effect of the historical development shown in this illustration?

a) The king was overthrown and communism was introduced.
b) The king became an Enlightened despot and a totalitarian government was created.
c) A republic was established and the king was beheaded.
d) A directory was formed and the king maintained his power.

Based on these passages, what is a primary similarity between the Mughal and Ottoman Empires?

a) Social confl ict did not exist in either empire.
b) Each empire experienced a period of success.
c) Each empire lasted less than a century.
d) Hinduism had little infl uence in the development of either empire.

Which statement best explains a reason the Mughal Empire declined and a reason the Ottoman Empire declined?

a) Mughal leaders were ineffective; Ottoman society was too interconnected.
b) Mughal society was too secular; policies of Ottoman sultans were inconsistent.
c) Religious diversity in the Mughal Empire was lacking; the Ottoman Empire never worked effi ciently.
d) Mughal society paid little attention to the government; Ottoman social groups were too isolated.

Which historical development was infl uenced by Wollstonecraft’s writing?

a) the rise of British nationalism
b) the Glorious Revolution
c) the woman’s suffrage movement
d) the Irish Home Rule movement

According to this document, what was a contributing factor to the famine in Ireland?

a) The British government exported much of the food produced in Ireland.
b) The British army drafted the young farmers of Ireland to fight overseas.
c) British shipments of corn and potatoes were delayed due to poor weather.
d) Landlords evicted English families out of their houses.

What was a result of the situation described in this document?

a) The Irish nationalist movement grew.
b) The Irish farmers destroyed their crops.
c) The Irish cut off diplomatic ties with the British government.
d) The Irish were forced to work in British colonies by the millions.

Based on the aims presented in the Charter Oath, it can best be inferred that the

a) emperor was no longer a symbol of power
b) samurai directly controlled public discussions
c) Japanese government encouraged western learning
d) lowest classes of Japanese society were excluded from government

Which event most directly led to the issuing of the 1868 Charter Oath?

a) Britain’s victory in the Opium War
b) Russia’s defeat in the Russo-Japanese War
c) the establishment of a separate port for Dutch traders
d) the collapse of the Tokugawa Shogunate

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