August 2022 Global History And Geography II Regents Questions 11-28 Question Preview (ID: 62114)

The Questions In This Practice Exam Are Thoughtfully Crafted To Assess Your Knowledge And Skills. They Cover A Range Of Topics And Formats, Offering A Valuable Opportunity For Self-assessment And Preparation. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which of these countries experienced a similar economic relationship with a colonial power?

a) India
b) Liberia
c) Japan
d) Russia

What was a long-term effect of the situation described in this passage?

a) Vietnamese nationalism led to bloody confl ict.
b) Soviet troops liberated the Vietnamese from French rule
c) The French agreed to rule northern Vietnam.
d) Vietnamese resistance led to the establishment of Indochina.

Which statement best describes Tran Van Don’s point of view regarding the French in Vietnam?

a) Vietnam’s economy benefited from French presence.
b) The Vietnamese exported many consumer goods.
c) Vietnam’s economic development was restricted.
d) The economies of France and Vietnam benefited equally.

Which turning point led to the 1967 war that inspired these letters?

a) signing of the Camp David Accords
b) creation of the State of Israel
c) Palestinian Intifada
d) Persian Gulf War

What is the primary concern from the Arab perspective in these letters?

a) The international community failed to support their land claims.
b) The survival of Israel is threatened by distorted and sketchy reporting.
c) Israel may not fulfill its Biblical destiny.
d) History cannot be used to vindicate the Arab cause.

Which term is most closely associated with the situation shown in this photograph?

a) nonalignment
b) perestroika
c) detente
d) arms race

The location identifi ed by this photograph was considered strategically important because of its

a) mineral resources
b) tropical climate
c) distance from the United States
d) position in the mid-Atlantic

The ideals contained in this document are most closely associated with the ideals developed by

a) dictators
b) Enlightenment thinkers
c) industrialists
d) supporters of imperialism

This document was drafted largely in response to the

a) Holocaust
b) Meiji Restoration
c) Irish Potato Famine
d) Rwandan Genocide

Which historical development is most closely associated with the situation described in this passage?

a) Berlin Conference
b) Armenian Massacre
c) Nuremberg Trials
d) Cold War

What is the intended purpose of this document?

a) establishment of alliances
b) promoting isolationism
c) containing communism
d) preventing future atrocities

Based on this passage, which statement best describes the signifi cance of the government regulations involving both the veiling and unveiling of women?

a) Modernization created power shifts that led to conflict.
b) Women’s rights were consistently protected by Iranian leaders.
c) Clerics supported the changes in their respective time periods.
d) Emigration to culturally compatible countries was prohibited.

Based on this passage, which long-term impact did the invasion of Afghanistan have on the Soviet Union?

a) It increased the Soviet Union’s ability to provide for their own people.
b) It helped to bring about the collapse of the Soviet Union.
c) It encouraged the Soviets to wage foreign wars and expand their empire.
d) It allowed the Soviets to remove themselves from the Warsaw Pact.

Which claim is best supported by the information provided in this illustration?

a) The end of apartheid allowed Black South Africans to participate in national elections for the first time.
b) Violence in South Africa led to injury and death, contributing to a revolution.
c) Economic sanctions by international powers led to political and economic hardships for many South Africans.
d) The opening of South African schools to Black children created an increase in national literacy rates.

After his victory, which course of action was recommended by the leader depicted in this illustration?

a) implementing programs to assist the widespread refugee crisis throughout the nation
b) promoting communism through state collectivization of lands and the use of propaganda
c) establishing a Truth and Reconciliation Commission to overcome a history of discrimination
d) having the African National Congress (ANC) plan peaceful marches, demonstrations, and boycotts

What is a direct cause of the climate issues described in this passage?

a) decrease in the volume of global trade
b) expansion of fresh water resources
c) surplus of funding for scientific research
d) increase in greenhouse gas emissions

Based on this passage, which statement best describes the author’s point of view?

a) Climate change leads to numerous problems.
b) International organizations have suffi ciently addressed changes to the climate.
c) There is no need to track people who have moved as a result of climate change.
d) The number of climate refugees is rapidly decreasing.

What was one way the international community responded to the changes described in this passage?

a) discouraging the use of renewable energy resources
b) signing agreements such as the Kyoto Protocol
c) promoting the use of fossil fuels
d) dismantling of the World Trade Organization (WTO)

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