June 2023 Global History And Geography II Regents Questions 11-28 Question Preview (ID: 62109)

The Questions In This Practice Exam Are Thoughtfully Crafted To Assess Your Knowledge And Skills. They Cover A Range Of Topics And Formats, Offering A Valuable Opportunity For Self-assessment And Preparation. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What led to the situation shown in Map B?

a) Prussian leaders appealing to a common German culture in wars against common enemies
b) a president elected by male voters in German states
c) approval of German princes at a conference in Potsdam
d) proclamation of the Empress who was head of the German Confederation

Which claim about nationalism is best supported by Maps A and B?

a) Nationalism only occurs in western European countries.
b) Nationalism has not been found to lead to military conflicts.
c) Nationalism is both a unifying and a dividing force.
d) Nationalism has played a limited role in the political makeup of European countries.

This letter was written primarily in response to the

a) partition of India and Pakistan
b) widespread boycott of British textiles
c) human rights violations at Amritsar
d) British monopoly of Indian resources

The purpose of Gandhi’s letter was to

a) notify the British government of his plan to continue his nationalist efforts
b) inform the British viceroy that his home is considered private property
c) advocate for British control over salt production
d) explain how religion has influenced his fight for independence against Britain

Which other document presented a message similar to this letter?

a) Mandela’s Rivonia Trial Speech
b) Germany’s Nuremberg Laws
c) Mao’s Little Red Book
d) France’s Law of Suspects

Which situation was most responsible for the rise of the political systems referred to in these headlines?

a) unification of Italy
b) conflicts between European nations over Africa
c) worldwide economic instability
d) emergence of the United States as a world power

What is a common characteristic of the political systems represented in these headlines?

a) multinationalism
b) capitalism
c) humanitarianism
d) totalitarianism

Which term is most closely associated with the event shown in this cartoon?

a) disarmament
b) blitzkrieg
c) Holodomor
d) containment

The situation shown in this cartoon is most closely associated with the

a) end of World War I
b) rise of fascism
c) Holocaust
d) Cold War

Nehru’s views in this passage can best be described as

a) imperialist
b) militarist
c) nationalist
d) communist

The ideas expressed in this passage are most similar to the ideas of

a) Simon Bolivar
b) Winston Churchill
c) Deng Xiaoping
d) Mary Wollstonecraft

Based on this passage, which statement best supports Kwame Nkrumah’s point of view?

a) Nations in Africa must be careful to avoid being conquered by Latin America.
b) Now that nations in Africa have gained independence, their struggle is over.
c) African nations must unite to protect themselves from neocolonialists.
d) African nations were better off as colonies than they are as independent nations.

Based on these documents, which method is being used by Mandela and de Klerk to address the conflict in South Africa?

a) outside military intervention
b) political compromise
c) a violent revolution
d) international economic sanctions

As shown in Document B, Mandela and de Klerk are being honored for agreeing to establish a political system that

a) provided universal suffrage
b) required complete separation of the races
c) allowed only a single political party
d) nationalized all the major industries

Which statement about the use of social media is best supported by this passage?

a) The use of Twitter had little impact on the uprisings in Tunisia and Egypt.
b) Online discussions about political rights helped encourage mass demonstrations.
c) Egyptian and Tunisian governments were successful in limiting social media access.
d) Leaders were able to use propaganda on social media to limit political reforms.

How is social media use most likely to affect places with political conditions like those described in this passage?

a) Repressive governments will have more difficulty maintaining power.
b) Liberal democracies will see increased political participation.
c) Isolated societies will easily adopt more democratic practices.
d) Technologically advanced societies will actively encourage political corruption.

According to this population graph, what is the approximate projected world population for 2050?

a) 1 billion
b) 3 billion
c) 9 billion
d) 10 billion

According to this National Geographic article, why was Norman Borlaug awarded the Nobel Peace Prize?

a) He transformed global agricultural production.
b) He was able to decrease the surplus population in areas of famine.
c) He targeted poverty by providing food donations to the less fortunate.
d) He ended famines by moving the production of grains to the Philippines.

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